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SOUTHWEST BITCHEZ dont just kiss, we make out.SOUTHWEST BITCHEZ dont just fore play, we fuck!SOUTHWEST BITCHEZ dont relax, we kick IT n chill.SOUTHWEST BITCHEZ dont dance, we brake it downSOUTHWEST BITCHEZ dont talk bad, we talk shit.SOUTHWEST BITCHEZ lips arent just hot, their the lips you wish you could kiss.SOUTHWEST BITCHEZ dont do it, we tear it up.SOUTHWEST BITCHEZ are the people you could ALWAYZ trust.SOUTHWEST BITCHEZ arent nice, we coo as fuck.SOUTHWEST BITCHEZ arent friends, we are niggas.SOUTHWEST BITCHEZ arent cool, we the shitSOUTHWEST BITCHEZ are firm as fuck!SOUTHWEST BITCHEZ are blessed when they are born because now were proud to tell everybody that we are SOUTHWEST and the rest of the world!SOUTHWEST BITCHEZ are...there isnt enough words that could explain how and who SOUTHWEST BITCHEZ are.Eastsiders envy us because they know we are down!!!And everyone loves us because we're the shit, and we know how to do it!!!!!!!!!!! I'M A FUCKING SOUTHWEST BITCH & FUCKiiN PR0UD 0F iiT !!!!!
I got this Sexy Comment from Commentsheaven.com!
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