Their projects include various media and the approach of each concept is made with the criterion of achieving the best, fullest expression. Their works are about modern culture and its aesthetic, repression and personal dead ends. They play with kitsch, Neohellenic Television Reality, TV culture in general, and taboos (they busy themselves with the endless task of trying to figure out societal ones for fear of actually tackling the issue of the Boy George musical)
No one, everyone, Dolly Parton, Kristen Chenoweth, Ellen DeGeneres, the Thundercats, SpongeBob Squarepants, Andy Warhol, David Hockney and the Sultan of Brunei
Ranging from Björk to Disco and Jenny Lewis with the Watson Twins
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (just to be different) The Bridges of Madison County Jeux d'Enfants
The L WordAngels in AmericaArrested Development
"Lust" Elfriede Jelinek"Madame Eduarda" Georges Bataille"Jitterbug Perfume" Tom Robbins
Gloria Estefan