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I am here for Friends

About Me

I have been married for 33 years (to the same man LOL!).

Our 2 beautiful daughters are now grown and married and I have 3 wonderful grandsons.

I have 2 tuxedo cats, Sullivan & Oliver, who are my constant companions.

I am currently retired and loving every minute of it.


My youngest grandson, is fascinated with this Animusic Video. It does have a "catchy" beat.

Animusic - Pipe Dream

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

And it might be nice to meet some of the friends I've made on MySpace.

My Blog

Getting to Know Me

I have 3 wonderful grandchildren (all boys) that I love sharing stories about with other Grandma's.  Nathan is 9 years old in 4th grade, Rylan is 6 years old in 1st and Joshua...
Posted by on Sun, 10 Jun 2007 12:09:00 GMT

I Was Tagged!

Here's how you play.  Once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird, random things, facts, habits or goals about yourself.  At the end, you choose 10 people to be tagged, l...
Posted by on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 13:56:00 GMT