ArtistManager profile picture


I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

Before , broadly speaking the only way for an music industry singer, songwriter, musician, band, producer, dj or artist to find a manager was word of mouth (inefficient), keep gigging in the hope that the "right" music manager would find you or to pick a manager and send in a tape (try getting past the secretary)
Everyone established wanted the status quo to stay the same (a bit like the medical profession) because that was the way they had done it and "the cream will always rise to the top"
What about the artists who want a new manager? how do they look without their current manager knowing?
What about the manager who wants to scout for talent without being overwhelmed with wannabes?
What if there was another way? a better way? a fairer way? a more efficient way? well now there is
Welcome to

45,456 registered users and counting...
At We enable aspiring and established artists to search for managers and music industry resources, worldwide and vice versa! is unique in that you can search by musical genre, country and region. begin your search wide (say country and genre) and then narrow it down to your ideal artist, manager or resource.
Register for free to search for your ideal manager, artist or resource. You only need to subscribe if you find someone you want to make contact with.
We have just moved to new software and there are many improved areas and functions - check out the new community areas for example.
If you were registered or subscribed before at the previous site for then you should be able to use your same details and have the same level of functionality, but you may have to upload some info again as we were unable to carry audio files over for example.
Search our database of international registered users - managers and artists - and more are registering and subscribing every day. Get seen by 's many music industry professionals
Established in 1999, by Nicola Cairncross (see below for more info) is now live to the music industry and press on it's new software.
The success of this site has been achieved mainly via word of mouth - something we are very proud of.
About Nicola Cairncross
Nicola Cairncross is Europe's leading wealth and business coach. Previously though she worked in the music industry, for companies like Sony Music and Perfect Songs / ZTT Records.
In the early 90's Nicola and her ex-husband Irving Soremekun started a dance music compilation label called Esoteric Records. licencing the best deep house and garage music from the UK, the USA, and all over Europe from labels like Azuli and Strictly Rhythm.
Nicola started her own management company managing Washington based producers 95 North and the UK's Mindchime (who licensed material to Hard Times Records among others). They also had their own publishing company called Enigmatic Music.
Nicola runs in her spare time!!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Musicians, singers and people with large mailing lists of unsigned musicians and bands so that we can do joint ventures to our mutual benefit, and that of our subcribers and friends

My Blog

Announcing the ArtistManager

I just wanted to let all my friends know that we are just about to announce the first of several exciting competitions at Competition #1: Win A Space In's Top 8 Fr...
Posted by on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 09:02:00 GMT

new group launches to provide support for unsigned bands

Just launched a group for unsigned bands or acts looking for management advice while they seek a manager. most welcome to join and tell your friends in unsign...
Posted by on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 20:43:00 GMT - an ezine with Nicola Cairncross ISSUE 20060817 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ An online newsletter going out to over 46,000readers about creating a great career in the music ind...
Posted by on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 08:14:00 GMT

Welcome To ArtistManager001's Blog

Before, broadly speaking the only way for an music industry singer, songwriter, musician, band, producer, dj or artist to find a manager was word of mouth (inefficient), keep gigging...
Posted by on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 07:58:00 GMT