Demise Empire profile picture

Demise Empire

About Me

Demise Empire was originally formed in 2002 by Arthur Schaufler (guitar), Eugen Rutz (vocals) and Sergej Polyanin (drums). In spring 2004 Matthias Schulz (bass) joined the band. Just, as Arthur decided to leave the band in the year 2004, David Ludwig (guitar) joined Demise Empire.
In September 2005, the first live-gig was performed in Essen, with a still incomplete line-up, consisting of Sergej P., Eugen R. and David L.. At this time, Matthias was taking a break from Demise Empire, to focus on his studies.
Despite the absence of a bass and a second guitar, this first gig was very successful and strengthened and motivated the band, to go on with what they were doing.
Finally, in March 2006 the line-up was completed for the first time. Matthias came back and Andrej Paschchenko (guitar) joined Demise Empire.
In the end of the year 2006, a demo with 4 songs was recorded and presented on myspace. ( ). While this demo has been used to apply for more live gigs, the recording phase for the first full-length album got initialised in December 2006. The recording was done by Padlo ( and completed in May 2007 in Duisburg. This first CD, entitled “Unholy Grail” was finally released on Oct., 19th 2007, during a concert in Ratingen.
Stay tuned for further information and take your place in the history of Demise Empire, by supporting us in any way you can imagine.
David (Demise Empire)
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My Interests


Member Since: 1/8/2007
Band Members:
David - Guitars

Sergej - Drums

Sounds Like: Hier noch ein neuer Song, live aus Dortmund:

Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog


Es hat sich einiges getan in den letzten Wochen und Monaten. Genauere Infos über jegliche Veränderung innerhalb der Band folgen in den nächsten Tagen.Ein regelmäßiger Blick auf Demise Empires' Myspace...
Posted by on Mon, 20 Apr 2009 12:23:00 GMT

KONZERTREVIEW - Metalfest von

Hier ein Live-Review über das Metalfest in Essen (20.12.08) Das Komplette Review gibts auf: 2 Über uns: ...DEMISE EMPIREDie Gewinner des lokalen ...
Posted by on Mon, 02 Feb 2009 12:16:00 GMT

REVIEW - "Unholy Grail" von

Hier ein weiteres Review zu "Unholy Grail". Diesmal von Review Anfang------------------------------------------------------ ----------- Bei Demise Empire handelt es sich um eine Death Meta...
Posted by on Sat, 24 Jan 2009 05:45:00 GMT

REVIEW - "Unholy Grail" von POWERMETAL.DE

Hier ist ein review von über unser Album "Unholy Grail" Viel Spaß beim lesen und wie immer sind Kommentare gerne erwünscht !Der link zum Review:
Posted by on Sat, 17 Jan 2009 08:55:00 GMT

METALFEST - pictures and review (our perspective)

Metalfest is over and as promised, here is my blog about this wonderful day.I don..t really know where to start so I deceided to make it step by step, from picture to picture.We arrived at the venue i...
Posted by on Tue, 23 Dec 2008 05:04:00 GMT

Konzertbericht - Metal Night Neuss (PlanetHeavyMetal)

Hey,auf ist jetzt ein Konzertbericht zur Metal Night Neuss erschienen. Hier mal ein Ausschnitt über uns: 'Der Abend begann mit den Mönchengladbachern Demise Empire, die einen rec...
Posted by on Fri, 05 Dec 2008 02:36:00 GMT

LEGACY-REVIEW - "Unholy Grail"

Hier ein Review aus der Legacy 2/2008: review - anfangDEMISE EMPIRE 'Unholy Grail'Das Booklet der CD von DEMISE EMPIREs Album 'Unholy Grail' ist leider dermaßen schlecht farbkopiert, dass ich Euc...
Posted by on Wed, 26 Nov 2008 05:29:00 GMT


Wir haben es geschafft!   bzw IHR habt es geschafft und dafür gesorgt, dass wir beim Metalfest in Essen mit Szenegrößen wie MORBID ANGEL, KATAKLYSM, MARDUK, usw... spielen dürfen! Das Konzert ...
Posted by on Tue, 11 Nov 2008 07:13:00 GMT

NEWS !! We signed @ Metalizer Booking Agency !

---english version below---   Voller Stolz dürfen wir verkünden, dass wir von nun an bei der Booking Agentur 'Metalizer' ( ) unter Vertrag sind.  ...
Posted by on Mon, 20 Oct 2008 03:51:00 GMT

REVIEW - "Unholy Grail"

Hey friends,we are glad to present you the first REVIEW of our first album, Unholy Grail.It..s written by Matej Kimlicka from Slovakia for his magazin 'Speed of Light'link:
Posted by on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 07:59:00 GMT