Rumle Skafte profile picture

Rumle Skafte

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm Rumle and I'm here to help you. Send me a message if you're confused by anything. Before asking me a question, please check the FAQ to see if your question has already been answered.I may have been on your friend list when you signed up. If you don't want me to be, click "Edit Friends" and remove me!Also, feel free to tell me what features you want to see on MySpace and if I think it's cool, we'll do it! BEGINMYSPACETOOLBOXBACKUP VERSION 1.1;;111111;; Center Center; fixed; repeat; 000000; ; bold; ; ; ; ; 006633; ; bold; ; ; ; ; 00cc33; ; bold; ; ; ; ; 000000; ; bold; ; ; ; ; ffffff;; Center Center; scroll; repeat; 00ff00; none; 1px; 90; ; ; ; ;;

My Blog

Luk Lejren

Luk LejrenHar opdateret med billeder fra Aktionen ved Sandholmlejren. Spændende at se om der overhoveder er nogen der læser det her M...
Posted by on Thu, 06 Nov 2008 02:03:00 GMT

First blog

Wow! Jeg har en blog...Så må jeg jo finde ud af hvad jeg skal med den!
Posted by on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 05:29:00 GMT