I am willing to learn how to do just about anything and try anything that does not cause hemorages. So ask me if you really want to know what I know how to do and if what you want me to do is out of the question I will letcha know.
Hmmmm, well for the most part most of the people that I would want to meet are dead, otherwise I would go meet them already. If I want to know you I will come see you.
I am a head banger at heart, Disturbed, Korn, Stained, the louder the better. To totally confuse everyone I also happily listen to Gregorian Chants and Asian influenced music. Ummm Country and Western, only in 5 minute increments several days apart, sorry Aaron!
My favorite movie would have to be City of Angels, Nicholas Cage is so hot!! And it has not been Christmas until you have watched It's a Wonderful Life with the Christmas lights on.
I don't really watch television, how to shows more then anything else. I have not learned "how to" from them but I find them entertaining. LOL
Toni Morrison's Paradise taught me a life lesson, not sure it was the one she was trying to put across but it is the one I wanted to get out of it and after all it is all about me.....
Heros only exist on Fairy Tales, in real life we just live and if we are "good people" we help others in anyway we are capable of, that is not being a hero that is being a contributing member of society.