hmm..lot of things..but i usualy i realy luv to hang around with my fwen kat maple or sumtime kat 7E memalam buter..
anybody, n also sumone who realy care bout me(well, sumday maybe)..
RnB, Luv SonGs..anything froM da BsB to SOD, LuV da music of da wind...
hmm..i luv RomantiC ComeDy movies, hoRoR is nice, also Action aDveNturE Movies...
SmaLLviLLe, C.S.I, Friends, My Wife n KiDs, anything on da DisCoVeRy ChaNneL..
Superman,Batman,Otomen,KluangMan,Suria Perkasa Hitam, Kristen Kreauk(ekekekekek..dier ni chomey sgt..)