damn those were the good old days ../
So DEVON ANDREWS is like the hottest person ever!! and the best friend anyone could ask for!! and the only person id wanna drink liquid cocaine with!!../stole from india but love it!!!!../
Country, Rap, R&B, Rock......anythin...i'm pretty easy going.........
.. width="425" height="350" ..so could ya, would ya, aint cha gonna, if i asked ya, would ya wanna be my baby tonite?! yea we can take a chance, slow dance, make a lil romance, honey it'll be alright....Take the quiz:
Who Is Your Prince?
Jake Gyllenhaal
He loves to be himself and so do you and you guys were meant for each other..
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
Donnie Darko, Newsies, The Exorcist, Child's Play,.....i'm obsessed with movies..nething with johnny depp!! (" May the wind always be at your back, and the sun always shine upon your face, and may the winds of destiny carry you aloft to dance among the stars......" - George Jung, Blow)
Friends or Greys!!!
Your Inner European is Italian!
Passionate and colorful.You show the world what culture really is.
Who's Your Inner European?Take the quiz:
Which European city should you live in?(with pix!!!!!)***GIRLS ONLY!!***
The best city in Europe,take my word for it:p....beautiful,fun to be with guys....that scream HOTTIEEEEEEEEEEE at you in the street,great ice cream,great places to go sightseeing,incredible language.....ROMEEEE!!!
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
Your Dating Purity Score: 49%
You are an average dater.
You're experienced enough to be a great girlfriend or boyfriend...
Though you still may be figuring out exactly what you want in love!
Dating Purity Test
Photo and video editing at onetruemedia.com