You must learn to follow before you can be a Leader.
About Me
Being birthed into this world as a Mortal my younger violent more chaotic path was led into the Marine Corps 3 months after turning 17. I no sooner found myself in places I'd never thought I'd be. After boot camp I was stranded at Reagen International Airport during Sept.11th stuck at Henderson Hall in DC doing Volunteer work for the pentagon then base security. Shortly after I left finished combat/MoS school and got Stationed in Camp Pendleton. 2 tours in Iraq made me wonder if Sanity in life could be achieved with a war such as this. So then the choice to stay in the military or get out was coming up. I chose to move back home and find other adventures.
My Interests
Fishing,Hunting,Anime,Games,Movies,Music,Sex,Food,Drinking ect...FPS Doug Ten Video Game Weapons