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Gram na basie. Na codzien razem z zespolem gram rock/metal, ale tutaj wrzucam swoje samodzielne dokonania. Moga sie tu znalesc rzeczy dziwne... kazdy slucha na wlasna reke, a autor nie ponosi zadnej odpowiedzialnosci za ewentualne urazy psychiczne ;)Sorki wielkie za jakosc tych nagran, ale nie jestem specjalnie obeznany w masteringu i nie mam sprzetu, czasu, ani ochoty sie z tym chrzanic... Jakby komus zachcialo sie skomentowac to co tu znalazl to bylbym bardzo dzwieczny. Chyba tyle.
Pozdrawiam. Szopen Man
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I play the bass. Normally with the band i play rock/metal music, but here i put my own stuff. What you'll find here, it may be really strange so...the author doesn't take responsibility for possible brain damages ;) Sorry for the quality of these recordings but i don't know much about mastering and i don't have gear , time or will to f**k with this. If anyone would be so kind to comment this stuff i would be thankful. Guess that's it. Cheers! Szopen Man
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Member Since: 07/01/2007
Band Members: Ino jo! / Me, myself and I!
Influences: Pretty much everything...
This week mostly: