Mike & I married on Sept 9, 2007--We (of the adventurous-kind) drove Route 66 for our honeymoon, took over 550 pictures of memories. Check out my pics!Some random stuff about me:***I'm into musicians who play real music - mostly singer-songwriters, graphic novels as literature, film, roadtrips, baking especially in the autumn, support buying homemade, red wine, vinyl, all things halloween & decorating early, wall atlases, pin up culture, St. Augustine, Chicago, Oklahoma & New England, dark/bright nail polish, dark chocolate, the wind in my hair and thru the trees, irreverent comedy, inspired by seeing people who are good toward one another, the library when I don't owe a fine, documentaries, whole grains, the American West, tea, sushi, old amusement parks, my sticker making obsession, language, giardinera, thunderstorms, diversifying my shopping & boycotting the big boxes, incense & peppermints, clever tees, UK accents & my cat... I'm pretty sure I dream in color, read Under the Radar & Paste magazines. Currently have over 50 pieces of flair.
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