**Page under re-construction; some other changes may occur soon.**
There is a strong wind of change, for me, since a few weeks. I am caught in it as I am the origin of.
Soon, the phoenix I am will rise under a new day... and a better night. {April 2009}
Althought I'm the kind that fully embraces his dark side, I bring peace and light to people who may feel the need for it.
I (nearly) always dress in black and the latin root of my first name means "light".
A few facts:
*If someone stares at me, I'll feel it and be able to rise my sight straight to this person, even in a crowd. (If I stare at somebody, he/she will feel it, too.)
*I adore being porcelain-pale.
*It would be the death of me if, one day, it happened that I couldn't dance, anymore. It's my meditation, my peace, my strength, my sanity.
*I like to walk at night, music in my hears.
*I adore to explore, learn and meet new people.
*I believe in myself and in the power of the mind.
*I am very empathic and I'm re-learning to follow my instincts.
*I am of the "y" kind. And, no, I won't harm you. Let go any prejudice you may have and read on the subject.
*Intensity is the master-word.
Ma vie est une succession de danses. Merci à ceux partageant mes pas.
Ne.hurle.pas.Ã .la.Lune,toi.imposteur
Moi.je.le.puis;Ã .toute.heure
At first sight, I'm all quiet and discret. I like to observe, learn and explore. Let me know you...