Eli profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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Well, don't know what to say, and don’t know why it is (not because Billy Joel or Curtis Stigers sing og swing so, and for completely different reasons). And since I have only one chance to capture your attention...hmm, a lot of pressure, isn’t it? What if I have just stupid and silly things to say? What if I have nothing to say at all? What if everything I say makes people dislike me? Makes you think, huh? Am I dull? Fascinating? Am I not merciful (Gladiator)? Or just thinking to much about myself? Why should you care?He-he, I’m just kidding as always. I am not going to hurt myself or anything. Still lying comfortable on my sofa watching meaningful TV-series... But on the other hand fun is serious and is closely contected to intelligence. You are now welcome to draw the conlusion that I am intelligent…he-he! And as you already may think, I talk a lot about most things. Often in riddles…This “about me” made me think a lot. I have to digest it. To think in a new way about myself. Explore myself. And it takes a lot of time. Anyway, not your problem. In the meantime I will take the time to construct a profile. For now, let me say that I am stucked in the middle of being fascinating and dull. But not schizophrenic! Even though I like both personalities.So long and auf wienerschnitzel!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who cares for a frozen Margerita

My Blog

Eitt fullveldi uttan viðurkenning...

Well, so var man aftur onkran túr...  Vóru í Eysturevropa í desember og januar og so í Miðeystri og Russlandi í mai, so man burdi verið í Føroyum í summar og málað sær húsini.  Men fekk...
Posted by on Sun, 31 Aug 2008 18:33:00 GMT

Gurli på juletur...

Ja, så er der afgang!  Fari niður í morgin og koyri niður gjøgnum Týskland og Eysturríki og endi í Slovenia á jólum.  Nýggjárið verður hildið í Wien við konsert.  Aðrir býir verða vitja...
Posted by on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 16:03:00 GMT

Eitt valdømi...?

Hmm, nú er nakað síðani, at oraklið í Havn (Delfi er yt) talaði...  The world according to Garp, segði onkur.  Verðin er nú ikki øðrvísi enn soleiðis, sum tú fatar og upplivir hana.  Ná...
Posted by on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 05:01:00 GMT

King Kong...

Hava sitið og hugt eftir King Kong í kvøld...  Elsa Maria og Christian vóru júst komin til Føroya, og so fóru vit saman Jóhan Martin og senior at keypa fisk og kips oman til mín.  Eg havi ei...
Posted by on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 17:04:00 GMT

Blood diamonds...

I went to the movies tonight watching "Blood diamonds".  A good and exiting film with focus on the lost continent Africa and its severe problems.  We follow the story of 2 men chasing a diam...
Posted by on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 17:26:00 GMT


Just a test...1-2-3...working...  Take it away, Sam! Sat inni eitt kvøldið, altso heima hjá moi, undertegnede, og gjørdi ikki mætari enn at hyggja eftir einum av teim mongu filmum, eg havi keypt....
Posted by on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 16:25:00 GMT