Movies, Going to but especially hosting parties, Clubbing/Going to new bars, Concerts, Outdoorsy stuff, Tubing, Doing new and unusual stuff especially if it's free or cheap, Experiencing Austin to its fullest, Kicking ass at Mall Madness or Screw the Rat (card game) or really winning at anything, Drinking games
Interesting people with depth. People that like to drink a lot and/or get out of the house.
I mostly like rock or metal. 90s rock has a special place in my heart and so does music from the late 60s. Weirdly I like some old country and some girly music. I also like to go see cheap $5 or free shows here in Austin whenever possible even when I don’t know who the hell the band is.Metal faves: Manson, NIN, Korn, Rob Zombie, Godsmack, Metallica, MSI, PanteraClassic rock faves: The Doors, Led Zep, AC/DC, Rolling Stones, Steppenwolf, Donovan, Black SabbathRock/Hard rock faves: Nirvana, 3EB, White Stripes, Bloodhound Gang, The Faint, old Green Day, Prodigy, Beastie Boys (I know, not really rock), RadioheadChick music: Fiona Apple, Poe, Ladytron, CatpowerLocal/indie faves: Toadies, Spoon, The Lemurs, The Black Angels, Girl in a Coma, Another Run, Powderburn, Ghostland ObservatoryOld country faves: Johnny Cash (I liked him even before he was dead/became cool), Patsy Cline and Jim Reeves (odd, I know)
Fight Club, American Beauty, anything by Darren Aronofsky (especially Requiem for a Dream and The Fountain), American History X, anything by Kubrick (especially Clockwork Orange, The Shining, Eyes Wide Shut, AI, Full Metal Jacket, and 2001: A Space Odyssey is just a trip), anything w/ Nicholas Cage in it (especially Leaving Las Vegas, City of Angels, Lord of War, Family Man, and Matchstick Men), any horror movies (especially Texas Chainsaw Massacre, House of 1000 Corpses, American Psycho, Se7en, Saw, Hostel, Psycho, The Descent, Scream-I know it's stupid), Quentin Tarantino movies (especially Pulp Fiction, Grindhouse, Kill Bill, and From Dusk Til Dawn), Virgin Suicides, Trainspotting, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Vanilla Sky, Magnolia, Spun, Shawshank Redemption, Brokeback Mountain, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Memento, Apocalypse Now, Million Dollar Baby, Batman movies (he's the best superhero), Shop Girl, anything with either of the Gyllenhaals in it (Jarhead, Secretary, Zodiac, Donnie Darko, Sherry Baby, Happy Endings, etc)
I feel like I need to explain the following list. I like thought-provoking movies and mind-numbing television. I know. That makes no sense. House, Medium, Stand up on Comedy Central, 6 Feet Under, The Office, Simpsons, Family Guy, Futurama, South Park, Chappelle Show, Sex and the City, The L word, whatever is on VH1, The Real Houswives of Orange County, The Girls Next Door (i know, i know), Project Runway
Demian, Catcher in the Rye, Sun Also Rises, The Bell Jar, Turn of the Screw, 1984, Bartleby, Stephen King books..honestly I don't read that much like I used to
Marilyn Manson, Johnny Cash, Nicholas Cage, Jim MorrisonYea, so by heroes I mean guys I want or would want if they weren't dead. You know, it's the dark/mysterious type who has had a rough past that way I can try to fix him.