"Don't threaten me with love, baby. Let's go walking in the rain"
-Billie Holiday .
My name is Lauren. I love my life very much and I've been through enough to say that life is worth every minute, every heartbreak, every tear, every smile, every laugh, and every other emotion that affects us at times. I love my friends, probably the funniest people you'll ever meet, a.k.a the "illys" (I'm referred to as Hilly). My two best friends are Abbey & Elissa, probably two of the best girls you'll ever meet. I attend Harper Creek High School; love all my teachers, elected as member of student senate, play sports, and workout. I'm very diverse in relationships, I love knowing what makes people tick, I love getting to know someone and going from complete strangers to friends, best friends, or boyfriends/girlfriends. My family is Italian and French mainly and we all are most likely the loudest bunch you'll ever meet. I love voicing my opinion; I usually have a lot to say on pretty much any subject brought up. I love car rides and listening to good music. I love being outside whether it's rain or shine. I love old homes and all of their character. I love running, it's my therapy and gets me thinking about things and analyzing them more elaborately to the point I can clearly pin point a conclusion or reason to whatever I'm debating myself on. I've been in love once, and will never forget it because I loved that I had the chance to experience those emotions and can say I've been that high on an emotional scale with someone before. I love the arts, I love acting, singing, dancing, poetry, artists, everything. I love reading poetry thats meaning is hidden through metaphors and allegories. I appreciate talent very much and I believe anyone who has talent should showcase it and not be afraid to express themselves by thinking they're different or not the norm when really, they're unique. I pretty much love everything from what I've typed, I guess the only things I dislike are, people who live in the past and can't get over it, people who don't believe people even if the evidence is clearly laid on a damn table, people who cloud their visions of love or happiness because of others influences, people who thrive on drama and are feens getting their fix every time someone says "guess what I heard.." Half the time I just want say, get a life. I really dislike people who don't stand up for what they believe in, the closet freaks who can't act as themselves because of opinions they fear will formulate. I say, if you're Goth, Preppy, Nerdy, Poetic, Loud, Crazy, or Cocky with fun filled arrogance, then Damn! Show yourself! It's your life and you only have one, so live it up!