Amy profile picture


The only way to get old is by exposure to the new

About Me

It's Time To Get Real
I'm trying to be a better person....less attitude and more understanding are going to get me a lot farther
My main focuses in life right now are my family, friends, Brad, earning my keep at KYP, keeping the lovers of the underground happy, finishing law school, getting into U of M to get my ph.d in English, building a relationship with C.D., and keeping my life as simple and drama-free as possible
I love music, cartoons, and reading...those are my three favorite things in the world I think
This page is for people I want to know the REAL me...Not Just Lyssa Cer, but Amy
I am who I am...I am opinionated and have unconventional interests...I can either bring a new dimension to your life or disrupt's all up to you
If you plan on bringing bullshit or problems to my life, leave me the fuck alone
If you're a down-ass motherfucker who thinks I might be someone you want to know, hit me up
I'm a pretty up-front person...if you can't handle that, you might want to find another page to look at, cuz my mouth does get me in trouble when I don't mean it to

My Interests

Kill Yourself Productionz, Murder House Records, Bottom of the World, chillin with my friends, reading, writing, singing, rapping, art, photography, criminal law, serial killers, drawing, painting, video games, cartoons, horror movies, cooking


Demonic, Mental Ward, NDC, GMac, River Rat, Troubled Mindz, Wolfpact Nation, Wayne Dub, Ikkurruz, Spotworkaz, Slipknot, Tool, Stone Sour, Kittie, Evanescence, Disturbed, Drowning Pool

My Blog


if you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now, even if we don't speak often, please post a comment with a memory of you and me.  It can be anything you want, good or bad.  W...
Posted by Amy on Tue, 29 Aug 2006 04:54:00 PST

Fuck This CUNT and God Bless Our Troops

So, normally I don't pay much attention to bulletins and such, but for some reason I opened one that asked me if I wanted to see a bitch because, well, Im always down to see a bitch lol.  However...
Posted by Amy on Mon, 01 May 2006 11:38:00 PST

Pink shirts and popped collars

Okay Men.....I have something that I HAVE to get off my chest....and maybe some of you will walk away a new man...I hope that any of you that fall into this upcoming description walk away a new man......
Posted by Amy on Thu, 15 Dec 2005 07:57:00 PST

RIP Stan "Tookie" Williams

Tonight, the state of California put Stan "Tookie" Williams to death.  He was the 12th man put to death since the death penalty was reinstated in the state in 1976.  He was the co-founder of...
Posted by Amy on Tue, 13 Dec 2005 01:00:00 PST