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About Me

Lets see... what to write, what to write? Well lets start with a few of my ramblings....Hello! My name is Sheila but some call me shazz. I don't personally like my name, for obvious reasons but i'm sure its different for a purpose. LOL! I have a bubbly personality.. and enjoy going out and having a good time with friends but the thing I cherish the most is being able to spend time with Eli, the man I love!"Eli, you are my best friend and everything I could have ever wished for. I Love you honey...with all of my heart!" *Sheila..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
AbOuT Me: The Best Myspace Quiz
Name:: Sheila "Bootylicious" King
Birthdate:: 9th March 1987
Year In School:: At University :-)
Hair Color:: Dark Brown
Eye Color:: Dark Brown
Favorite music genre:: Everything...form Rock to Pop :-)
Gum:: I use to like juicy fruits but they lose flavour quickly so....wrigleys spearmint gum!
Place to be:: I like going out so anywhere as long as its fun! :-)
Sport:: I like watching footy and rugby however, I enjoy playing volleyball myslef:-)
TV:: I love the show "Heroes". It is the BOMB!
Movie:: Hmmm there are too many to name but a few of my favs are, The Notebook, How to lose a guy in 10 days, Team America, Chicago and Moulin Rouge
City:: Venice (Italy) or Paris (France)
Thing to do:: If its sunny...chill at the beach but if its cold... stay inside snuggled up watching videos!
Female artist:: It changes but at the moment Fergie, Rihanna, Christina Aguilera
Male artist:: It changes but at the moment Michael Buble and Patrizio Buanne
Group:: Il Divo
Song:: Everything- Michael Buble
Music Video:: Kelly Clarckson- Never Again! Damn that Bastard LOL!
Type of weather:: Depends on my mood! LOL! It Varies!
Emotion:: It goes up and down LOL! But mostly happy :-)
Girl's Name:: Shantay Vanessa
Guy's Name:: Ethan Marcus
Thing to do on a Friday night:: Snuggling up by the heater watching TV!
Scent:: Issey Miyake L'eau D'Issey
Store:: Myers, its expensive but they have beautiful clothes and a good range of make up!
Food:: Chicken Sushi Roll Yummy!
Old School Artist:: hmmm don't really know
Color:: I love ther red, white and black trio but if it was one sigle colour it would be the colour blue!
Class (If ur still in school):: Murdoch University
Sound:: Raindrops on a tin roof
Cartoon:: All Diseny Ones!
Drink:: Fruit Tingle, April's Apple, Cruisers...anything with vodka LOL
Role model:: My grandmother! I wish I was as kind as her LOL!
Car:: A Done up Holden SS! Very sexy :-)
Restaurant:: Yuki! Yummy! No seriously LOL!
Fast food place:: Red Rooster and KFC
Do u listen 2 2 get hype?: Fergalicious by Fergie
Do u listen 2 b4 u sleep/relax?: Michael Buble or Kenny G
R ur goals 4 this year?: Have fun and finish this years uni workload with acceptable results!
Is ur GPA?: Grade Point Average? I dont know? A Distinction maybe LOL!
Do u spend most of ur time doing?: Hanging with Eli, my friends and exchanging comments on myspace LOL!
Scares u?: The unknown!
Reality show would u most like 2 b on?: Big Brother I guess...
R u most likely 2 b caught doin?: Talking away for hours.
Is ur most embarassing moment (If u have 1)?: When a seagull relieved itself on me!
Do u want 2 b wen u grow up?: A teacher, a lover(wife), a mother and hopefully alot wiser!
Is a major turn-off 4 u?: Guys who do not take pride in themsleves in the way they dress! (Slobs)
Makes u the happiest?: Being shown affection! :-)
Do you/Have you::
Smoke:: Passively...yes! LOL Thanks guys! LOL
Do drugs:: The odd paracetamol here and there LOL!
Drink alcohol:: Yes
Have a significant other:: Yes I do! He is the best thing that has ever happened to me. He understands every aspect of me and knows how tomake me smile without even opening his mouth to say a word! :-)
Get depressed:: Sometimes... when I'm by myself for too long!
Like the rain:: Yessss!
Had sushi:: I love the stuff! Im addicted.
Have a dream:: Yes
Have a crush on ne1:: Yes... My Eli!
More about u::
Do u label people:: Not intentionally! :-)
Do u have a best friend:: Yes I do! My best friend is my boyfriend funny enough!:-)
A group of close friends:: hmmm not really! :-(
Have u been 2 a concert:: Not yet but I will be! Woo Hoo!
Some hot celebrities:: Johnny Knoxville all the way! But some runners up are Hugh Jackman, Gerald Butler, Josh Duhamel and Matthew Machoney
Ever been on a cruise:: No :-(
On a plane:: Yes :-) I love taking off! Its such a rush!
Do u sing:: I try too but how well I dont know :-)
How do u want 2 die:: Peacefully and fulfilled! :-)
Best vacation:: Family road trip to Pemberton and Albany!
Do u have ne siblings:: Yes 2 brothers and a sister!
What r their names and how old r they:: Alex (19), Derek(17) and Melanie(12)
Do u get along with ur parents:: Sometimes lol :-) If only they would listen to me more often to avoid conflict! :-)
Are you a health freak:: Not really but I do believe in balance!
How tall r u:: 173 cm tall
Are u a perfectionist:: Far from it!
Wat are your weaknesses:: Men, sushi, chocolate and cake LOL!
Do you like to laugh:: All the time!
How about at yourself:..: Yes! Its good not to take life too seriously!
Can you speak a different language:: Yes! Im Bi...lingual LOL! I speak cantonese as well!
Have you been immersed in a different culture:: haha oh everyday! My family cultre changes like the wind! One day I fit and on other days im an outcast!
Are you always on the move:: No I wouldnt say so!
Are you competitive:: It someways! I suppose so! Thats what gives me fuel to keep that fire going I guess! LOL!
Are you insecure:: In a way! :-)
What do you do to people who talk behind your back:: Like to confront them and see them try to swindle their way out of the situation! LOL
What is the best advice you've ever been given:: Take your time to fall in love and when you do make sure its forever before comitting!
What are you most proud of in your life:: Achieving my small personal set goals!
Do you have any regrets:: No regrets! They are all stepping stones to better my future!
What you like in the opposite sex::
Hair color:: It dosent matter LOL! What a funny question! LOL
Style:: Sexy casual :-)
Personality:: Bubbly, honest, open and fun but yet at the same time can be mature when called upon.
Body type:: I dont mind as long as they're healthy and know how to look after themselves.
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How to make a Sheila
3 parts friendliness
1 part brilliance
1 part instinct
Combine in a tall glass half filled with crushed ice. Add lovability to taste! Do not overindulge!

Personality cocktail
Your Icecream Flavour is...
Cookies 'n Cream! Smooth and creamy with a few rough bits mixed in, you are a real treat! You are probably very popular amongst your friends. Remember too much of a good thing is not always good! Don't lay it on too thick! What is your Icecream Flavour?
Find out at Go Quiz
S Sweet
H Hot
E Enchanting
I Intelligent
L Lovable
A Astounding
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You like romantic sex. For you, it's not all too much about being horny - it's more an expression of how you feel about your partner(s). It's an experience that you can share -- that you can experience and enjoy together. height="-24"
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Your Personality Is Like Acid
A bit wacky, you're very difficult to predict.
One moment you're in your own little happy universe...
And the next, you're on a bad trip to your own personal hell! What Drug Is Your Personality Like?
The Corrs Lyrics
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My Interests

The arts!! I love music, theatre perforamnces, art works the lot... Just take be to an exhibition anytime!

I'd like to meet:

Dr.Condoleezza Rice. I would ask her so many questions. I think she is an inspiration to many young women who want to aspire to be someone great.


I can't get enough. If I were rich enough, i'd buy a warehouse full of CD's!


Yes, I am a total movie buff. I love all genres except for horror, westerns and most action movies.


If the shows are interesting "yes", but if they become to long winded (like "Lost") I'd tend to switch off!


I love reading biographies. Especially those of women who have been through hell and back just to be able to live a "normal" life. It makes me thank God for blessing me with a good one!


I love that show LOL! I have many heroes in my life that have contributed to who I am and it wont be fair just to name the one.Your results:
You are Wonder Woman Wonder Woman 93% The Flash 80% Green Lantern 80% Catwoman 75% Iron Man 75% Robin 63% Superman 60% Batman 60% Supergirl 58% Spider-Man 40% Hulk 40% You are a beautiful princess
with great strength of character.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Test