♥forever his doll♥ profile picture

♥forever his doll♥

I am here for Friends

About Me

fashion layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.com

I love vibrant colors and people. Loving a great man is the absolute most wonderful feeling. Doing one day of Pilates makes a difference. Cake every wednesday and friday is not good for the butt. Wynders cyder is my enemy. My biggest accomplishment: Giving up beer for lent and sticking with it. Tickling is the weakness. I love garlic nibblers. I'm a yankee fan and I'm not ashamed to say it. I always have at least one bruise on my body. I burn myself with the curling iron once a month and people think it's a hickie. I want to be Gerald when I grow up. I could stand in my boyfriend's jeep. I love to sweat, whether it be on the dancefloor, at the gym or anywhere else. I am a lady. I now own all of Forever 21 and Target. I am the nicest debt collector you will ever meet. Don't drink and drive. Trust me. The End.

My Interests

What I LOVE in life:
My Pickle ♥
My family
Los Amigos
Pretty Dresses
Great hair days
Dancing 'til my feet get blisters
Black heels
Standing on my tippy toes to kiss my boyfriend
Not having to stand on my tippy toes for anything else
Forever 21
Great movies that give me hope
Great music that gives me hope
Great people that give me hope
People that make me laugh
Making people laugh
My boyfriend's smile
Tuna Melts
Green Tea Milkshakes
My Collarbones
White Wine of any kind
Baseball ♥


Depeche Mode. The Cure. Frank Sinatra. The Beatles. John Mayer. John Legend. Stevie Wonder. James Brown. Morrissey. Common. Corinne Bailey Rae. The Rolling Stones. Lily Allen. Belanova. Caifanes. The Supremes. Mana. Wolfsheim. Kanye West. Nas. Enanitos Verdes. La Ley. She Wants Revenge. Rilo Kiley. Peaches. Matisyahu. Brad Paisley. Keith Urban. Ramon Ayala. Pepe Aguilar. Manolo Garcia. Duncan Dhu. Linkin Park. Lauryn Hill. Le Tigre. Johnny Cash. Kinky. Kelly Clarkson. Justin Timberlake. Gwen Stefani. Julieta Venegas. Sin Bandera. Josh Groban. Interpol. Guns N Roses. Damien Rice.


Sixteen Candles. Amelie. Vanilla Sky. Beach Blanket Bingo. Confidence. Ocean's 11. Narnia:The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. Memento. My Best Friend's Wedding. The Science Of Sleep. Matchstick Men. Say Anything. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory(the old version). Grease. Little Miss Sunshine. Swingers. Breakfast At Tiffany's. The Seven Year Itch. Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. Beach Party. American History X. Man on Fire. Four Brothers. Dogma. Garden State. Fight Club. Top Gun. Remember The Titans. The Princess Bride...just to name a few.


I don't miss Grey's Anatomy or Sex and the City on KTLA at 11pm. Everything else can pretty much come and go and I'd be fine. Oh wait up, I'm secretly obsessed with the CW on Mondays and love to secretly watch October Road and Brothers and Sisters...AND Dancing with the Stars, but only with my suegra. I don't know why so much loot is spent on cable in my house since Channel 5 and 7 fulfill my wasted TV time needs.

My Blog

I'm about to defy gravity!

- I am COMPLETELY in love with Wicked! Me, my two sisters and my suegra went to see and we all absolutely fall in love with it. I need to go watch it again...and perhaps again...and read the book...
Posted by [his ♥ doll] on Tue, 01 May 2007 06:51:00 PST

My new name is Crabby Sally.

Just wanted to apologize to anybody that has suffering the consequences of my recent bad mood. Lack of sleep, negativity at the job and being in daily(no joke) traffic jams does that to a pe...
Posted by [his ♥ doll] on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 08:56:00 PST

My car was puking.

I hate the fact that I don't know jack about cars. My car started to overheat right by the Brea Mall and I didn't know what to do. I've always been told to add the coolant/antifreeze crap an...
Posted by [his ♥ doll] on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 08:05:00 PST

I love ticketmaster and ticketmaster loves me.

In the last 2 days I have bought tickets to two HUGE shows for me. On June 8th and 9th, I will be fortunate enough to be in attendance at the following concerts at the Hollywood Bowl:   &nb...
Posted by [his ♥ doll] on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 11:21:00 PST


-I've been able to sleep well for 2 days now. That is a true miracle...a very welcomed one, too. -I've gained 5 libras since I started working at this stupid place but it feels like more. I feel all t...
Posted by [his ♥ doll] on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 08:48:00 PST

Sunday. sunday. sunday.

I cannot put into words what a great time I had yesterday. I love spending time with my boyfriend! We went wine tasting yesterday and had late lunch/early dinner there and it could not have been more ...
Posted by [his ♥ doll] on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 06:18:00 PST

Things I should be doing instead of writing this blog:

1. Be at work. Ah, but I felt pukey. 2. Laundry. This WILL happen. just not now. 3. Re-arrange my closet. This WILL happen even before the laundry. 4. Go to the bank and deposit my taxis check. Ah, t...
Posted by [his ♥ doll] on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 04:09:00 PST

I'll stick around. no doubt.

if i told you things i did before told you how i used to be would you go along with someone like me if you knew my story word for word had all of my history would you go along with someone like me .....
Posted by [his ♥ doll] on Sun, 11 Mar 2007 02:39:00 PST

Just because cake day.

I had a total different image of my boss when he was my boss's boss. I was always scared of being in his presence and would find myself rolling my eyes whenever I would hear anything about him or when...
Posted by [his ♥ doll] on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 07:46:00 PST

courtesy of my twin....

Would you....1. Join the Military or the Mob?Definitely the mob. I'd be a rich mobstah, too. I'd be, like, the leader and get to get rid of people by just lookin' to Vinny and snappin my fingers. Cuz ...
Posted by [his ♥ doll] on Sat, 03 Mar 2007 07:16:00 PST