*dreamwalker* profile picture


Wolf's Space

About Me

I am but a dreamer and move through this world like molasses, refusing to see the light peeking through the door like glorious angels of false hope. I am yet a whisper of a truth long forgotten by the hustle and bustle of everyday life. A truth that sleeps here within and can only be seen in dreams. I AM Dreamwalker
Myspace Layouts

My Interests

Anything that gets my brain going or slightly amuses me, trust me, i'm easily amused :o) on a good day, perhaps it could be math, lol! and of course belly dancing...

I'd like to meet:

It does not matter who or what i meet, i tend to find value in all conversations, some more than others. If the value is great enough perhaps it can enlighten my life, therefore i cannot choose the source of enlightenment. Go ahead, I challenge you to bestow your ideas unto my psychological spirit. :o)


Trance, House, Techno, Jungle etc... Anything I can bellydance to ;o)


Run Lola Run, Amelie, The Beach, Vanilla Sky, Brain Candy, Zoolander, 28 Days Later, Crash, Final Destination, We once were warriors, Whalerider, The Ring, The Brotherhood of the Wolf, In July, Requiem of a Dream etc. I love foreign films, they have this whole other concept of thinking, but i also like funny movies and some that make you go: What?!


So you think you can dance (because i want to steal all their moves lol lol lol) no, i just loooooooooooovee dancing! I like the travel channel and the animal channel and Passions, that's about it.


Anne Rice Books, Books about Fashion, Fantasy Novels and books on women having overcome obstacles like "not without my daughter"


Shakira,Alexander Mc Queen, Tricky, Brenda, Lindsay, Edmond, Madonna, Angelina Jolie and all the roles she plays, Queen Elisabeth, Joan of Arc and on a lighter note: Amelie and my mom.

My Blog


I'm ENGAGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
Posted by *dreamwalker* on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 06:41:00 PST


-oh my god did you hear? janine got spammed!!! -ew that is so gross, i can't believe it -ya i know, that is like sooo totally ew!!! to all you bad little kitties -watch your blogs free condoms and sex...
Posted by *dreamwalker* on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 11:42:00 PST

Sick of Stupid Spam!!!!

I got spammed and no i'm not into "live webcams" Thanks
Posted by *dreamwalker* on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 06:26:00 PST