The Alchemist. Future Tin-Man. Albatross Forecast. Obese Briton questioning authority. The Taxter. Mouse Alert. Combo Owl. Verb Snake. The Flagrant Felines and the Adjacent Sea Lions. Bobble-Booty. Baboon-age. Taka Strawberry.
Favourite Quotes:
"I have reached the main speed" - Myself
"Come here plus minus" - Clam Factor
"More people would know about me if I lived ABOVE sea level" - Clam Factor
"I can turn useless alloys into precious metals" - The Alchemist
"They aren't ready for me" - Future Tin-Man
"My chair has FIVE speeds" - Handsome Horse
"Why do his legs exceed his chair" - Clam Factor
"Your grades are slipping like ponies pies" - Substitute Teacher
"One of his legs gangals on the pavement" - Clam Factor
"None one of you's none mine brothers" - Albatross forecast's son
"But officer...I was doing Tokyo Drift" - Handsome Horse
"Welcome to the nest, first-born" - Albatross Forecast