I jus like to chill out.
thats mi motto.
I'm wandering through life having a giggle && enjoying it all as i do!♥
God - tupac shakur
When I was alone, and had nothing
I asked for a friend to help me bear the pain
No one came, except God
When I needed a breath to rise, from my sleep
No one could help me.. except God
When all I saw was sadness, and I needed answers
No one heard me, except God
So when I'm asked..
who I give my unconditional love to?
I look for no other name, except God.
You gotta keep your homegrown close.
As disfunctional as we are I still love them all. ♥
"One is enough One glance is enough to capture a heart One touch is enough to hold a life One word is enough to stop hate One kiss is enough to find what was lost One gesture is enough to give faith to another One day is enough to change our world forever One person is enough to help mankind One flower is enough to color our souls One whisper is enough to raise the voices of hundreds One is enough"
:) :) :)
My new [ironic] favourite film which me and Ricahrd discovered last night is.....
"The One Armed hero!!"
:) A verryy cheesy, corney chinese kung- fu film!
See all of my photographss :)x