i love LA INK! i think the cast is awesome and they prove that you cant judge a book by its cover. i also love eating at 3A.M. while im watching FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST. iM ReAlLy InTo TaTtOoS RiGhT NoW. ThAt AnD hAvInG rEaLlY WhItE TeEtH! ^_^ I QuOtE LiNeS FrOm My FaVoRiTe ShOwS AlL ThE TiMe So WhEn YoU mEeT mE Im SuRe YoU'Ll CaTcH a fEw HeHe.SoME QuOtEs I LiVe By"I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you..""No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.""Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.""A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.""The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them""Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.""To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.""Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you.""Flatter me, and I may not believe you. Criticize me, and I may not like you. Ignore me, and I may not forgive you. Encourage me, and I will not forget you.""Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.""Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.""There's always going to be people that hurt you so what you have to do is keep on trusting and just be more careful about who you trust next time around.""Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try and know someone else and expect them to know you.""Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to."KEEP IN MIND...WHATEVER HAPPENS...HAPPENS FOR A REASONA LIL SUMTHIN EXTRA..."DONT' MAKE SUMONE UR PRIORITY, WHEN TO THEM, U'RE JUS AN OPTION..."
HmMm ThAt DePeNdS, FoR friEnDsHiP, I LiKe PeOplE WhO ArE FuN AnD DoNt HaTe On OtHeR pEoPlE FoR ReAsOnS DeEmEd UnnEcEsSaRy. LiKe CuZ SoMeOnEs HoT yOu TaLk AbOuT ThEm ThAtS JuSt UgLy. I AlSo HaTe RaCiSm AnD pReJuDiCe EsPeCiAlLy WhEn It CoMeS FrOm OtHeR mInOrItIeS HaHa ThAtS ThE FuNnIeSt.As FaR As My Mr RiGhT GoEs, I DoNt WaNt AnOtHeR GuY WhOs LikE My Ex. SoMeOnE WhO ClAiMs HiM aNd HiS FaMiLy ArE So ChRiStIaN BuT ThEy HaVe No ChRiSt LiKe AtTrIbUtEs. AlL JuDgEmEnTaL AnD hAvE mOrE HaTe In ThErE HeArTs ThEn LoVe. If ThAtS ThE CaSe ThEn ItS oNlY YoUrsElf YoUr MoCkInG.ThAtS NoT fOr Me. I LiKe HaNdSoMe NeRdY GuYs WiTh TaTtOoS AnD WhO ArE FuNnY. I LiKe GuYs WhO ArE inTo J-PoP, AnImE AnD fAmIlY GuY. BuT OvErAlL A KiLlEr SmIlE WiTh A ChArMiNg AtTiTuDe WiLl GeT mE AnYtImE. NoT iNtO GuYs ThAt PaRtY AlOt ThOuGh.i AlSo LiKe GuYs ThAt ArE AlReAdY On WiTh ThEre CaReEr AnD KnOw WhAt ThEy WaNt To Do In LiFe.HmMm I MeT ThE GuY AlReAdY AnD AlL ThEsE FeAtUrEs ApPlY tO HiM!HuMaNkInD CaNnOt GaIn AnYtHiNg WiThOuT fIrSt GiViNg SoMeThInG iN ReTuRn. To ObTaIn, SoMeThInG Of EqUaL VaLuE MuSt Be LoSt. ThAt Is AlChEmYs FiRsT lAw Of EqUiVaLeNt ExChAnGe. In ThoSe DaYs, We ReAlLy BeLiEvEd ThAt To Be ThE WoRlDs OnE, AnD OnLy, TrUtH." - AlPhOnSe ElRiC
..My MuSiC Is VeRy EcLeCtIv BuT SoMe Of My FaVoRiTeS ArE JaY ChOu, MaRiAh CaReY,Bi RaIn, CyNdI WaNg, JoJo, WiLbEr PaN, M2M, 3 DoOrS DoWn, BoA KwOn, NaMiE AmUrO, HiRaI KeN, ThE HiSsyFiTz, TiToFeLiX, LiNkIn PaRk, JaY-R, ChRiStIaN BaUtIsTa,MaRk BaUtIsTa, MeLiSsA ReYeS, ThE CoOlEr KiDs,LiLLiX, JasMiNe TrIaS, DePeChE MoDe, AmErIe RoGeRs, DBSK, AsIaN KuNg-Fu GeNeRaTiOn, LaRc-En-CiEl, KeLLy OsBoUrNe, AvRiL lAvIgNe, FaBuLoUs, Ne-Yo,
FuLlMeTaL AlcHeMiSt - ThE CoNquErOr Of ShAmBaLlA ThE PlAcE pRoMiSeD iN oUr EaRlY DaYs HoWlS MoViNg CaStLe MiYaZaKiS SpIrItEd AwAy RoMeO mUsT DiE KiSs Of ThE DrAgOn
La InK ,FuLlMeTaL AlChEmIsT, FaMiLy GuY, BlEaCh,RoBoT ChIcKeN, FuTuRaMa, WiLl & GrAcE, FrIeNdS, DiScOvErY ChAnNel
LoVe StEpHen kInG AnD ElIe WeIsEl AlSo SyDnEy PoItEr
To all those who have paved the way and to those who are forging new paths.My MoThEr, GoD, OpRaH, KaT vOn D AnD OtHeRs WhO HaVe MaDe Me WhO i Am ToDaY.