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Jed Lindstrom

Keep it Holy and serve the King of all creation... God is above everything!

About Me

Where do I start? ... For 10 years, I was lost in the whirlwind of this world. I lived in absolute darkness, and was confused in where to find Love, and where to have true satisfaction. I found pleasure in the lust of materieal things, drugs and partying, along with criminal activity. In 2004, i was brought to the reality that God had seen all I had ever done, and all that had been done to me. I really needed a cleansing, and I needed to be forgiven, and saved the punishment of my sin. I knew I needed a change in my heart, because i was a wreck. I had been in and out of jail, treatments and all to be discouraged and having no real freedom or transformation in my heart. I needed an inner change. I didn't really care about life, or anyone else. There was a man from Tel-Aviv Israel who shared the GOSPEL with me. I experienced a love i never knew before. It seemed this guy really cared about me. When He asked me where I would go if i died, i didn't know. He shared with me Jesus knows everything about me. And He said Jesus wants to heal you, and deliver you from the grip of the devil. So when we prayed, He began to speak in the spiritual realm, and I knew something was different. From then on I couldn't get high the same, I couldn't do anything I normally did, without it bothering me. God saved me, and set me free from the walls of sin and death. I no longer live to please this flesh, I live to Love and honor God with my life. I trust Jesus Christ for my Eternal Salvation, and I know I am not going to hell with satan and his posse, wicked and unrepentant now. I get filled every day with the power of the Holy Spirit, to help me kee pliving victorious over the enemy. I am a full time U.S Home missionary, and I minister through-out the streets and connecting points to the streets in America. I am honored see God do miracles every day. God still Heals! God still delivers! Jesus is alive and will continue to bring freedom, deliverance, and casting out demons. He will be glorified, and Jesus will always be Lord over all. He is moving in miraculoius ways, even today. I want to share with you the Holy Spirit has been poured out throughout the Nations. Ask Jesus to transform you, ask Jesus to fill you with the Holy Spirit and His fire to Live a life honoring to God. I pray Jesus will rattle your heart, to a place of Witness for His name! Here is a good prayer ... God! i cry out to You, Help! "Blessed is the man whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord does not impute iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no deceit.") "God sees in secret, knows in secret, and dwells in secret, and desires us to be real in secret; when we are real in the secret, we are able to be real in the natural" ~Jed Lindstrom Myspace Comments Myspace Layouts Get your layout at Myspace Layouts

My Interests

There is no greater joy, than sharing the gift of Eternal Salvation with those who are lost,and watching people get set free from the bondages of sin and death! Study the word of God and pray, seeking His Kingdom! My pleasure and interest is to glorify Jesus in all I do. I love to put together Gospel outreaches in/out of state. I also like to go biking/hiking,MnTwins and Wild games.

I'd like to meet:



I love to worship God. Anything I listen to I desire it to be pleasing to my Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Lord Jesus,I commit to you all that I am in Jesus name amen.a href="" target=blank /a href=" NvbS9pbmRleC5jZm0/ZnVzZWFjdGlvbj12aWRzLmluZGl2aWR1YWwmdmlkZW


I desire to be full of the Holy Spirit! And I love clean movies that resemble my walk with Jesus ...


I do not like too much T.V ...


I love the Word of God, the Bible, and all books inspired by the power of the Holy Spirit. Also love to read about great revivals and healings.


Jesus Christ.

My Blog


I never blog :) .... how does this blogger work? ...( this is just a test, but that doesn't change the fact i don't know what blogging is? ) ...
Posted by Jed Lindstrom on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 01:02:00 PST