My interests include running, reading, meditation, I am just now (through my sons) getting into digital photos & design. I am a thrift store junkie, I SERIOUSLY enjoy finding "trash" I can turn into "treasures". I am a clothesaholic & dabble frequently in shoes. In my closet I have $500 suits hanging beside $5.00 suits and enjoy wearing them equally (that's because I KNOW who I am & where my center is!) I enjoy being different and in my older years have ceased to try to keep up with the latest fashion trends although I do consider myself "well-dressed".
All kinds of people, those with kids, those without, parents of little ones, parents of grown ones. I enjoy hearing others views, even if they do not match my own. I enjoy hearing about positive happenings.
Smooth Jazz, Classic R&B, Some of the "new" R&B, Gospel, A little Rap, Show Tunes
Favorite T.V. show: Will & Grace