today i've mainly bin thinkin... |
that subject line was supposed to be said in the style of Jesse from the fast show. but neways
Rain depresses me!
taylor may think this is the blog i told him about but its not, its the one befo... Posted by Dr. Stu - I am trying to believe on Fri, 06 Jul 2007 09:24:00 PST |
Greenflys (spot the reference) |
so i aint blogged in a while. Thought i'd tell u my thoughts for the yesterday:
flexi time finally makes sense to me but i don think that, if i stayed 2 hours after my shift as a doctor and save... Posted by Dr. Stu - I am trying to believe on Fri, 06 Jul 2007 12:54:00 PST |
10 things... |
1. You are the best person on this planet n i honestly dont kno what i'd do without you! we've been through ... Posted by Dr. Stu - I am trying to believe on Fri, 01 Dec 2006 07:20:00 PST |
The oxymoron of Placebo |
Well yesterday started good. Me n Scott n Hol head off to the land of Geordie to have fun b4 we see the mighty Placebo! so having lots of laughs on the train (one about how all Goldfrapp songs s... Posted by Dr. Stu - I am trying to believe on Sun, 09 Apr 2006 07:13:00 PST |
Pig Pen Festival |
well wot a day u missed kiddahs. Ok so it started a lil slow, Blue Ryan went onstage a lil late but wen she did get up she was good, nothin special but good all the same a nice lil entertainer e... Posted by Dr. Stu - I am trying to believe on Sun, 04 Sep 2005 10:18:00 PST |
Day 5 in the University Hospital of Hartlepool |
Dedicated to Mark coz he wanted 1
Well that was a good day kids. Entered the land of 2 to Stuart dancin around to Obla Dee Obla Da n then watched another Bunyon operation. Got told to go ... Posted by Dr. Stu - I am trying to believe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST |
Day 4 in the University Hospital of Hartlepool |
dedicated to Grandad Setterfield coz its hos b'day today n when i told him i wanted to be a doctor he told me to go for it.
So i walks into the land of 2 today n i was dreadin it wen i saw all the dri... Posted by Dr. Stu - I am trying to believe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST |
Day 3 in the University Hospital Of Hartlepool |
This was a bad day but its dedicated to Nessa, she'll find out why later... No hip screws today in the land of 5. Nope instead we've got brest surgery. so here i was stood rite infron... Posted by Dr. Stu - I am trying to believe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST |
Day 2 in the University Hospital of Hartlepool |
well this 1s dedicated to Kef coz he visited me n unbillified me at dinner 2day well the day started off pretty slow again. but the dave the porter disappeared came back n told me that he'... Posted by Dr. Stu - I am trying to believe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST |
Day 1 in the University Hospital of Hartlepool |
Firstly i wanna dedicate this blog to Tiz coz she needs summat to do. Today Ive mainly been doin... NOWT!!! BOREEEEDDD!! got there n the ppl at the theatres didnt even kno i was supposed to be c... Posted by Dr. Stu - I am trying to believe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST |