Enchanted Eyes From Hell (10-30-07) profile picture

Enchanted Eyes From Hell (10-30-07)

last name=A7X The flames sear from their core, blinding those who are seen. NO LAYOUT//PHOTOGRAPHY//

About Me

Welcome to The Enchanted Eyes from Hell™!
Also known as EEFH or TEEFH.
This fansite is dedicated to the awesome boys of Avenged Sevenfold!
Just a note, we do not know Avenged Sevenfold and are not any members of Avenged Sevenfold.
We know there are a lot of Avenged Sevenfold fansites out there already. But what could one more hurt? We mean that, after all, it is just showing how amazing they really are, and how true their fans are!
This is a fansite for Avenged Sevenfold fans to come. Not some teenies or people who want to boost their friend count.
Also, another thing, if you are thinking about sending in hatemail, think again, because you wil get the same amount of it back.
You may also be deleted if it is offensive enough.
Well, now that that is said and done, we are very nice people and we love talking to new people and making new friends.
We comment back or message back on anything.
We hope you find our site fun and helpful!
Feel free to ask anything about A7X or their girlfriends that you like, we're here to help you.
Thank you very much!! :D
-Ash Unknown && Mandi Venom.
1. Don't diss Avenged Sevenfold.
2. Don't diss any of the members' girlfriends.
3. Don't diss the owners of this fansite.

My Interests

Promote Us!

Banner by Megan (Vengeance):

Banner by Like Sunshine on a Synful Day:

Happy Easter Banner by Mandi:

Fansign by Mirjana:

Banner by Ash (2):

Banner by Mandi (19):

Banner by Mandi (18):

Banner by Ash:

Banner by Mandi (17):

Banner by Mandi (16):

Banner by Mandi (15):

Banner by Mandi (14):

Banner by Mandi(13):

Banner by Frank Iero Fans:

Banner by Mandi (12):

Banner by Synyster Love:

Banner by Toxic Banners(2):

Banner by Toxic Banners:

Banner by Proud City of Evil Fans:

Made by Alexa of Proud City of Evil Fans

Banner by Mandi(11):

St. Patrick's Day Banner by Mandi:

Banner by Propaganda Inc.:

Banner by Mandi (10):
This one became blurry for some reason, sorry!
Don't use it please!

Banner by Mandi (9):

Banner by Mandi (8):

Banner by Second Heartbeat:

Two Month Birthday Contest Winning Banner
by King Synyster Gates:

Banner by Mandi (7):

Banner by Toni Sevenfold:

Banner by Mandi (6):

Banner by Mandi (5):

Banner by Mandi (4):

Banner by Vengeance is All That You Need (2):

Banner by Lost Children With No Hearts:

Banner by Courtney:

Banner by Vengeance is All That You Need:

Banner by Mandi: (3)

Banner by Mandi: (2)

Banner by Mandi: (1)

Banner by Medical Showdowns:

Banner by Blindfolds Aside:

Banner by King Synyster Gates:

Banner by Church of Shadows:

Banner by A Shot To Remember:

I'd like to meet:


Be aware, we post a lot of bulletins!

Add the backup right after you add this site.

Click some of these links!
Request a Banner//Support Code!
Best With A7X Wear! Three Month Anniversary Contest!
Apply For Our Featured Fan!
Apply For Our Featured Site!
Check Out Our Current Featured Enchantee (member)!
Suggest Something! (The Suggestion Blog)

Check out Mandi's Fanfiction!
A Melody, A Memory PART ONE
A Melody, A Memory PART TWO
A Melody, A Memory PART THREE
A Melody, A Memory PART FOUR
A Melody, A Memory PART FIVE
A Melody, A Memory PART SIX
A Melody, A Memory PART SEVEN
A Melody, A Memory PART EIGHT
A Melody, A Memory PART NINE
A Melody, A Memory PART TEN
A Melody, A Memory PART ELEVEN
A Melody, A Memory PART TWELVE

Contest Stuff!

Our Current Contest:

Best With A7X Wear! Three Month Anniversary Contest!

Past Contests:

Our First Contest
Banners Contest - Two Month Anniversary
TEEFH'S Slogan- What Should It Be? -Part 1 of Contest- [PART 1 IS OVER, VOTE IN PART TWO]
TEEFH'S Slogan- What Should It Be? -Part 2 of Contest- DON'T VOTE- WINNER CHOSEN
Results of The Slogan Contest!

Check Out Our Past//Present Featured Enchantees!
April's Enchantee

Our Current//Past Featured Sites!

Apply here!


No current featured site. :(
Apply please!


No past featured sites.

Want to S4S?
There is no longer a S4S friend limit!

Our Newest Support Code, by Mandi:

Click the picture to add.

+They Own A Fansite For Avenged Sevenfold.

+They are Almost Always Nice.

+The Owners Will Talk With You.

+They Promote//Support.

+They Have a Good Fanfiction Going.

+They Almost Always Have Contests.

+At Least One Owner Gets On Everyday.

+They Have Banner/Support Code Requests Open.

+They Have a New Featured Member Each Month.

+They Do Not Discriminate Against Bands.

+ ,bigYou're Enchanting.

-They Do Not Promote Personal Sites.

-They Do Not Make Support Codes//Banner for Personal Sites.

-If You Do Not Like Avenged Sevenfold.

-If You Will Phish or hack.

-If You Will Be Offensive Toward Us.

-If You Will Delete.

This Support Code was made by The Enchanted eyes from Hell™.

Support Code by Mandi:

This support code was made entirely by The Enchanted Eyes from Hellâ„¢

Our First Support Code:
The Enchanted Eyes Of Hell

Made By Beautifully Broken Contests

Want to show The Enchanted Eyes from Hell some support?
Put one of these on your MySpace profile!

Made by Trashed and Scattered™

This was made by Much Too Rare To Die™

Made by Alexa of Proud City of Evil Fans


(Click pics for larger views)

Real Name: Matthew Charles Sanders
Stage Name: M. Shadows
Date of Birth: July 31, 1981
Position in A7X: Lead vocalist

Real Name: Brian Elwin Haner Jr.
Stage Name: Synyster Gates
Date of Birth: July 7, 1981
Position of A7X: Lead guitarist, back-up singer.

Real Name: Zachary James Baker
Stage Name: Zacky Vengeance
Date of Birth: December 11, 1981
Position in A7X: Rhythm guitarist

Real Name: Jonathon Lewis Seward
Stage Name: Johnny Christ
Date of Birth: November 18, 1984
Position in A7X: Bassist

Real Name: James Owen Sullivan
Stage Name: The Reverend Tholomew Plague
Date of Birth: February 10, 1981
Position in A7X: Drummer


Sevenfold Slaves
Deceitful Silhouettes
ZV Manboobism 6661
Gena and Val Fans
Syn City
Frank Iero Fans
Imprisoned Souls
A7X World Dominations
Leana Silver Fans
Fiction Love
Valary and M. Shadows Fans
Vengeance is All That You Need
Praising Pete
Clan Avenged
King Synyster Gates
Beastie Heaven
V is 4 Vengeance
A7X; The Plague
Rocker Chick Banners


Can You Feel The Love?


To the Band:
Avenged Sevenfold's MySpace
Syn Gates Clothing
Zacky V Presents...
Ichabod Vengeance

To the Owners:
Mandi Miasma's MySpace
Ash Unknown's MySpace

Other Sites Either of us Own:
Mandi Also Owns:
House MD Lovers
This Ain't a Scene!
Ash Also Owns:
Big Bold Crosses
Step Right Up


Hey everyone!
I'm Amanda, but call me Mandi.
I have loved Avenged Sevenfold for around six months now.
The first song I heard by them was Eternal Rest.
My favorite song is Beast and the Harlot.
My favorite member of the band is Zacky Vengeance
A7X is one of the bands that has made me want to join a band.
Want to talk to me off of this fansite? Click my picture and add my personal site, all are welcome! :)
My AIM SNs are: MandiSpencerxx and HeckYessItsMandi
Yeah, so I'm Ash Unknown. I'm 14 years old and I love Avenged Sevenfold. Yeah they are my all time favorite band and I would do any thing for them. :D. Kids at my school dont like me because I like them, but does that affect me any??? HELL NO! those poeple are 2 faced bitches and I could care less whther they like me or not. My favorite member in Avenged Sevenfold would have to be Brian Haner Jr. Or Synyster Gates. :D. He is such an inspiration, and he is my idol. My hero even. I love that man to death and I would do any thing for him. :D. My favorite song would have to Be Radiant Eclipse. I relate so much to those lyrics and that song is just phenominal, just like all rest. Now, I'm a very kind person and I love the talk to people and make new friends, but let me warn you now, talk shit about Me, Mandi, or ANY of the members of Avenged Sevnefold and I will delete you. DONT DO IT! Comprende? Good. Send me a message, add me personal anything. I hope you are enjoying the site. :D

My Blog

"A Melody, A Memory" PART TWELVE

They all laughed. I smiled to myself and shut the door. I didn't know the rain had started up again. I got poured on. "Great," I said to myself. I sighed and ran to Teresa's house. When I got there, ...
Posted by The Enchanted Eyes from Hell™ [LSF/FL] on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 07:52:00 PST

"A Melody, A Memory" PART ELEVEN

"Want to come to practice with me?" Zacky asked. "I'd love to. But your friends are kinda sorta mad at you a bit," I replied, trying to make it seem like nothing. "They know, don't they?" "Yeah&" "We...
Posted by The Enchanted Eyes from Hell™ [LSF/FL] on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 06:45:00 PST

Featured Site Application!

We have a featured fan application, but we need one for the sites too! Site Name:Site Owner/Owners:Your Site is Made For:What Do You Do For Everyone?: Comment the blog with yours, sites! -Mandi...
Posted by The Enchanted Eyes from Hell™ [LSF/FL] on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 04:04:00 PST

Best With A7X Wear! Three Month Anniversary Contest!

Hello, Enchantees! April 10th is The Enchanted Eyes from Hell's three month anniversary! To celebrate this event, We are having a contest! Here's What You Do: Send us a picture of YOURSELF wearing eit...
Posted by The Enchanted Eyes from Hell™ [LSF/FL] on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 03:17:00 PST

Best With A7X Wear! Three Month Anniversary Contest!

Hello, Enchantees! April 10th is The Enchanted Eyes from Hell's three month anniversary! To celebrate this event, We are having a contest! Here's What You Do: Send us a picture of YOURSELF wearing eit...
Posted by The Enchanted Eyes from Hell™ [LSF/FL] on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 03:17:00 PST

A Melody, A Memory" Part TEN

I opened the door and saw it hadn't began raining yet. I stepped out of the house, and locked the door. I'd take chores over boredom any day. I was walking with my head facing downward and walking at...
Posted by The Enchanted Eyes from Hell™ [LSF/FL] on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 03:35:00 PST

"A Melody, A Memory" PART NINE

"That's so unlike Zacky!" Matt claimed. It really wasn't like Zacky. "Next time I see him, he better hope he'll be able to play that guitar of his," Johnny said. "That's horrible," Teresa gasped. The...
Posted by The Enchanted Eyes from Hell™ [LSF/FL] on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 02:00:00 PST

Results of the Slogan Contest!

Hey everyone! Mandi here! As you know, We now have a new slogan and a new contest winner! But who was it and what slogan? Just to recap if you forgot anything Click to see Part One Click to see Part T...
Posted by The Enchanted Eyes from Hell™ [LSF/FL] on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 08:04:00 PST

TEEFH'S Slogan- What Should It Be? -Part 2 of Contest- VOTING CLOSED - WINNER CHOSEN

Part two of our two part slogan-choosing contest is finally here! Click to See Part One You will leave a comment with the following in order to vote for your favorite slogan: I vote for SLOGAN NUMBER ...
Posted by The Enchanted Eyes from Hell™ [LSF/FL] on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 01:14:00 PST

The Suggestions Blog!

Hey, Enchantees! Mandi here! So, I was thinking about the site, and I thought to myself, "What can we do to make it even better?" We already have banner//support code requests, but those are only for ...
Posted by The Enchanted Eyes from Hell™ [LSF/FL] on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 10:54:00 PST