Reading, going to the movies and the beach, playing and writting music chilling with friends.
~Do U~
GoTtA jOb: yes
HaVe A bEsT fRiEnD: yes
hAvE cLoSe FriEnDs: yes
LiKe Ur HaNdWriTiNg: sometimes
cArE aBoUt Ur LoOkS: heck yes
BeLiEvE iN LoVe At 1sT siGhT: yes
BeLiEvE iN tHe "OnE": yes
ThiNk Ur AtTrAcTiVe: i would be a fool not to
BeLiEvE iN YoUrSeLf: yes
wRiTe SoNgS: sometimes
ArGuE WiT pPL: just the ones luv
SmOkE: no
sWeAr: no
siNg: yes
sHoWeR dAiLy: thats a must. yes
wAnNa Go To CoLLeGe: I'm already here
wAnNa GeT mArRiEd: yes
gEt aLoNg WiT yA pArEnTs: sometimes
LiKe ThUnDeRsToRmS: no
pLaY aN iNsTrUmEnT: piano. bongo drums
oWn A wEbCam: not yet
KnOw HoW 2 drive: yes
oWn A cELL pHonE: yes
cHeAt On TeStS: only once
LiKe RoLLar CoAsTeRs: yes
WanT mOrE piErCiNgS: dont have any dont wont any.
LiKe CLeAniN: only when Its needed
BeLiEvE iN MiRaCLeS: yes
bELiEvE iN LiFe On OtHa PlaNeTs: no
ReMeMbEr Ur 1st LoVe: havet had one yet
sTiLL LoVe HiM/HeR: no
hAvE a CrUsH oN aNyOnE: yes
~In The Last 24 Hours Have U~
goTtEn InTo A fiGhT: no
TaKeN a ShOwEr: yes
GiVeN SoMe1 a DiRtY LoOk: no
CriEd: no
DoNe A cArTwHeEL: no
wEnT 2 sChOoL: yes
wEnT sHoPpiN: yes
dAnCeD: yes
GoTtEn SiCk: yes
dOnE sOmEtHiNg U rEgReT: no
LiEd: no
~Friends Association~
TaLLeSt: my frined from school
sHoRtEsT: ny friend from chruch
QuiEtEsT: nobody
LoUdEsT: all of them
tALkAtiVe: all of them
fUnNy: keith
FrEaK a LeEks: some of them
pOtHeaDs: non
mOsT tRuStWoRtHy: all
bEsT bOdY: all the boys
bUrLy: non
mOsT FiGhTs: non
gOoD: all
CoRniEsT: non
HyPeR: all
bAdd: non
bIgGeSt BuTt: all
lOwEr GrAdEs: non
HiGhEr GrAdEs: all
aLwAyS mAkeS u SmiLe: all
eAsiEsT 2 tALk 2: all
mOsT LiKeLy EnD uP iN JaiL wit: non
~This Or That~
CoKe Or PePsI: coke
McDoNaLdS oR bUrGeR kiNg: burgerking
SiNgLe Or GrOuP dAtEs: single
LiPtOn IcEd TeA oR nEsTeA: nest tea
cHoCoLaTe Or VaNiLLa: chocolate
cApPuCiNo Or CoFfEe: coffee
DeAd Or ALiVe: alive
On oR oFf: on
dOnKeY Or CoW: cow
SpEciAL eD oR mEnTaLLy ChALLeNgEd: neither
gAy Or LeSbiAn: neither
oBeSe oR gIgAnTic: only in the right places
HoE oR giGaLo: neither
cHiNeSe Or PaKiStAn: chinese
OsAmA oR LaDen: neithetr
~How Many~
nUmBa oF cDs U oWn: to many 2 count
nUmBa oF piErCiNgS: non
nUmBa Of ThiNgS iN dA pAsT u ReGrEt: a lot
Personalized Glitter Graphics
Sweet Home Alabama,Sharktales,Gone in 60 min.
Everybody loves Ramond, scooby doo, girlfriends.
Anna of green gables.
God and my descesed Grandfather.
Personalized Glitter Graphics