CASTRO of THIRDWORLD ENT. profile picture



About Me

THE THIRD WORLD ENT. DOCUMENTARY PREVIEWIM IN THE BEST SHAPE OF MY LIFE RIGHT NOW, MENTALLY AND PHYSICALLY.....I JUST CAME HOME FROM DOING A LONG 5 YEAR BID, AND IVE BEEN HOME FOR A YEAR NOW..THIS MUSIC HAS BEEN MY LIFE SINCE DAY ONE, BACK IN 1997. I STARTED OUT PRODUCING AND FOUND MY SELF WRITING SOON AFTERWARDS. IN 2001 I CAME UP WITH THE LABEL THIRD WORLD ENTERTAINMENT, AND FLOURISHED SINCE THE FIRST ALBUM WE EVER CAME OUT WITH CALLED THE COMPILATION V.1. SHOUT OUT TO MATT MITTENS (RIP), I MISS YOU MY NIGGA AND WILL NEVER FORGET ABOUT YOU. HE AND I BOTH STARTED THIS MOVEMENT TOGETHER. MATT MITTENS WAS MY RIGHT HAND MAN, MY WING MAN, AND HE PROVED WHY WE WERE THE BEST LABEL AROUND IN HIS DAYS OF CO-CEO OF THIRDWORLD ENTERTAINMENT. NOW MY SQUAD HAS OVER 10 ALBUMS, AND I JUST GAVE THE STREET MY FIRST ANTICAPATED SOLO ALBUM IN A DECADE CALLED CASTRO PRISON BREAK. NOW IM WORKING ON MY NEXT ONE AS WE SPEAK. BUT I ALSO FINISHED THE COLLABRATED ALBUM WITH FERRIOLI AND IRAK (THE BEST YOUNG BOY SINCE LABRON), THAT ALBUM IS CALLED TRIPLE THREAT..GET IT HOW U LIVE. MY FOCUS NOW DAYS IS NOT ONLY GETTING THIRDWORLD ON THE MAP BUT ALSO DELAWARE TOO. I GOT A NEW MODEL THIS YEAR; YOU SNOOZE YOU LOSE. I COULDNT SAY IT NO BETTER. MY SQUAD FERRIOLI, IRAK, CHASE, MOCK MANSINI, IZZY L, FAYTE AND JUDGE, TNT..HAVE BEEN DOING THERE THING TOO. AND I GOT A BUNCH HITTERS ON THE BACK CUTT THAT I DONT HAVE TO SAY THERE NAMES CAUSE YOU KNOW WHO THEY ARE, YOU SEE THEM WIT ME ALL DAY. BUT ITS ALWAYS BEEN A STRUGGLE WITH ONE OF US SEEING THE CAGE. IF YOU SEEN ME....... FEEL AS IF YOU SEEN A LEGEND, CAUSE THATS WHO I AM..I AM THE KING OF DELAWARE.. LETS GO...... "PRISON BREAK" THE ALBUM STILL SELLING LIKE CRAZYTHIRD WORLD RECORDS...A Powerful label created by two masterminds known as Castro and Matt Mittens(R.I.P.) in the winter days of 2001 and really got it's buzz in the year 2002 when the album dropped known as "THIRD WORLD COMPILATION V.1" which introduced artists' like Duece, K-Cream, Trama, and ish, and a little bit of Irak in his younger days. The streets grew to love the impact that took place during the flooding of this classic album. However, the streets really caught on to the movement when the CEO/Producer/Recording Artist "Castro" and Artist "Deuce" were incarcerated. This motivation caused the rest of the squad to pump the Volume 1 Compilation like never before. This is why you see Third World flyers and stickers, posted up on every light pole and stop sign from here to the lower plains of Florida. This is the reason why we are "The Streets Hottest Unsigned Label; cause the streets love us, and have finally found the music that caters to the hustlers, gangstas, pimps, and broads...shhhhiiiitttttt...and even the corporate world America... But we can't forget dark days that Third World experienced when the Co-CEO Matt Mittens was slain.......By TERRI SANGINITI The News Journal: 22-year-old Jessica M. Watson, a hard-working single mother with a 2-year-old daughter, was promoted to first assistant manager at the Casual Male Big & Tall men's clothing store on Kirkwood Highway. Matthew J. Macerato, 18, a soft-spoken rap music producer, just started working at the store part-time about two weeks ago. The two employees had worked together Sunday and were closing up the day after christmas shortly after 6 p.m. when....etc..... So to live on the legacy of Matt Mittens, Third World has been going harder than ever.. but still.. being the realest group in Delaware.. We still find ourselves in trouble wit the law.. ..Irak and Chino from "TNT" were sent to jail, and now the movement grows even stronger.. for those who have been following along Third World since the beginning understands the story, and they have to admit.. You swear you seen a movie about us.. the difference between a movie and Third World Records is that everything you hear about us is real.... See other niggas talk it and we live it....

My Interests


Member Since: 1/5/2007
Band Website: ThirdWorldLive.Com (coming soon)"ThirdWorldLive.Com (coming soon)
Band Members:
Influences: CHECK US OUT THIRD WORLD ENT AND GUERRILLA REPUBLIC COMBINED.. HOW THEY LIKE US NOW...THE REVOLUTION WILL BE TELEVISED.... I AM A NUWAUBIAN, BECAUSE I LIKE TO DEAL WITH FACTS Who Are We? Ques: Who are the Nuwaubians? Ans: Firstly be proud of yourself and your accomplishments and all others will be proud of you. Nuwaubians are people, male and female, worldwide, of diverse ethnic backgrounds, races, and religions that come together and agree in the search for facts on issues that affect humanity. We call ourselves Nuwaubians and our doctrine or science is called Nuwaubu.Nuwaubu is the science of Sound Right Reasoning, and its followers are the sons and daughters of Sound Right Reasoning. It is important that we express the meaning of words and how we use them so that we are not misinterpreted. We use the word “sound” as an adjective meaning “Having a firm basis; unshakable, free from defect, thorough”. We use the word “right” as an adjective meaning “In accordance with fact, truth, correct, proper”. And “reasoning” is used as a noun meaning “The capacity for logical, rational, and analytic thought; intelligence. Good judgment; sound sense. An underlying fact or cause that provides logical sense for a premise or an occurrence”. Hence, Sound Right Reasoning is the Unshakable Facts and Logic. Also, Nuwaubu is Right Knowledge, Right Wisdom, and Right Overstanding.Right Knowledge organizes and unifies the minds individually and collectively. If knowledge is not to be confusing and thereby ineffective, then it must be in sequence. Knowledge received must be in organized sequence in order to put the mind in order and unity. Knowledge is “the state or fact of knowing”. To know is to have information. Therefore, Right knowledge is correct information which can be taught, spoken or written. Right Wisdom is knowing how and when to use knowledge. Right Overstanding is receipt of knowledge by the mind and is the unity of knowledge and wisdom.The word Nuwaubu is an ancient Nubian word related to the following Ashuric/Syriac/Arabic and Aramic/Hebrew words:Nubuwa - Arabic word meaning “prophet hood, prophecy” Nubuwah - Hebrew word meaning “A prediction, teaching” Nuwb – found in both Arabic and Hebrew meaning “to sprout, to germinate” Nabaa – Arabic word meaning “News, tidings, information, intelligence, announcement” from the root Naba’a meaning “to inform, notify”. Nabiy – Hebrew meaning “speaker, spokesperson, prophet” from the root Naba meaning “prophesy, to prophesy, to speak by divine power, to pour forth words abundantly as is done by those who speak with ardor or divine devotion of mind” You can clearly see that Nuwaubu and Nuwaubian are words that deal with information. Factual information regardless of race, ethnic background, or gender. Nuwaubians are not a cult or part of any cults. Nuwaubu is not a religion or belief system.Nuwaubians are intelligent to question and seek facts and avoid sensationalisms and fictions. Nuwaubians do not whimper, complain or indulge in self-pity, but instead face problems realistically, gets to the root of the problems and determines to solve them. A Nuwaubian is not gullable and does not easily accept and statement, belief, assertion or assumption that to him is lacking in proof and/or is unreasonable in the light of his own experiences. Nuwaubians are problem solvers, achievers, and producers. A Nuwaubian is inquisitive, adventurous and has a cheerful zest for living in love, peace, and happiness. A Nuwaubian is tough, tenacious, resolute, persistent, persevering, indomitable, and indefatigable, and wishes 1) freedom 2) justice 3) and equality for all. A Nuwaubian is practical down to earth and concentrates on those goals and activities that are meaningful and worthwhile. A Nuwaubian is brave and courageous and always a proud credit to his/her family. A Nuwaubian places a high value on attitude; strives continually to maintain a healthy and dynamic attitude towards life. A Nuwaubian is an achiever and a producer. He and she loves to work, and doesn’t seek the easy road in life. Earn what they get is our motto. A Nuwaubian is responsible, productive and constructive. A Nuwaubian is eager, optimistic, aggressive, energetic and not selfish for the best interest of all families and his or her own family. A Nuwaubian strives to keep physically fit and keep his/her body in the best health at all times. Lots of fresh water is the first key next comes exercise and healthy food, and please cut back on the sugar. To put it simply, Nuwaubians are people worldwide who seek the facts. What Do Nuwaubians Believe?Ques: What do Nuwaubians believe?Ans: Many have asked “just what do the Nuwaubians believe?” Let’s first define the words “believe” and “belief”. According to the online dictionary at the word believe is defined as:Believe v. v. tr.To accept as true or real: Do you believe the news stories? To credit with veracity: I believe you. To expect or suppose; think: I believe they will arrive shortly. v. intr.To have firm faith, especially religious faith. To have faith, confidence, or trust: I believe in your ability to solve the problem. To have confidence in the truth or value of something: We believe in free speech. To have an opinion; think: They have already left, I believe. Belief n.The mental act, condition, or habit of placing trust or confidence in another: My belief in you is as strong as ever. Mental acceptance of and conviction in the truth, actuality, or validity of something: His explanation of what happened defies belief. Something believed or accepted as true, especially a particular tenet or a body of tenets accepted by a group of persons. Nuwaubians don’t believe. We investigate or don’t accept. To believe is to accept things you do not know, which is ignorance. Hence belief is ignorance. K-N-O-W is the root word of knowledge and Nuwaubians seek to know. Nuwaubians learn to distinguish between claims and substantiated facts and keep the facts as the truth, as goodness, into our way of doing all things. We follow the experience of past events. We can see what does not work and know that eternal struggle is the price of survival. The winners of such struggles are those who organize and work together; who have a plan, and practice teamwork.Nuwaubians want only the facts. We must measure everything from our own point of view, that is, from where we can see it and overstand it. In ous eyes, there is nothing that you can’t find, but you must do research. Then and only then will you not be fooled by fools. We often state “Give us facts – not beliefs”. The AlphabetsAlways be the positive person. Be yourself and others will see the best in you. Communicate with others positively. It’s the lack of communication that causes all problems. Don’t be the troublemaker. You do not always have to be right. Effort always pays off Follow your instincts, they are usually right. Give your best in all you do. Help others to help themselves. Introduce the positive thoughts, ideas, and actions. Join in on positive things, Help to solve the problems; don’t become the problem. Keep a positive mind and outlook. Listen to your inner voice if it tells you what’s right by all and not just yourself. Maintain the peace and a peaceful outlook. Never leave a job incomplete. Offer assistance whenever you can. Participate in community events. Questions lead to the facts. Remember, you’re never alone, if you’re kind, considerate, and unselfish. Stand for what is right. Teach, don’t preach. Utilize all your potentials. Victory and success come only from hard work. Work with all your heart. Xenophobia, that is: the fear and hatred of foreigners, is nothing more than an insecurity that you don’t need. You’re the master of your destiny. You are the cause of your problems. Zeal is healthy for success.The VowelsActions speak louder than words. Everything that goes around comes around. If you can’t stand that heat, get out of the kitchen. Opposites attract. Unaminous decisions are not always the right decisions. You are what you eat.What we accept as factWe accept as fact the eternal laws of nature as revealed through science, past events, logic, and common sense revealed as The Right Knowledge, The Right Wisdom, and The Right Overstanding. We accept as fact the highest laws of nature is the cooperation and harmony of all living things. We accept as fact our way of life as a means to the best end. We accept as fact that loyalty is the greatest of all honours and treason is the worst of all crimes. We accept as fact that what is good for all Nuwaubian males and all Nuwaubian females, is the highest virtue and what is bad for us is the ultimate evil. We accept as fact that the community is the finest and noblest organization for all humanity created by circumstances. We accept as fact that creativity, love, and cooperation are the essence of success. We accept as fact that truth and facts are always and has always been, the originator and creator of all success. We accept as fact that all worthwhile cultures and civilizations came about from the ancient Egiptians and Sumerians. We accept as fact that for the Nuwaubians, to survive, expand and advance we need first of all, a revolution of values and thoughts which must start within each person by being truthful with themselves and about themselves. Therefore, we completely and categorically reject all myths, fictions, false religions and lies that have not been proven. We deal strictly with facts. If you can't prove it we don't want to hear it, that doesn't mean we won't listen to you, just don't expect us to accept your beliefs by virtue of a title such as reverend, pastor, deacon, bishop, imaam, sheikh, rabbi, minister, theologian, etc. that is your sensationalism and we deal with just the facts. We accept as fact that the only true revolution is a war of good against evil, right against wrong, fairness against unfairness, loyalty against disloyalty, sincerity against insincerity, honesty against dishonesty; and this war is fought within each person amongst the agreeable and disagreeable beings that make up your will power. We accept as fact that the unity of our community and its success will only happen with cooperation with all involved. We accept as fact the total unification of all humanity on the basis of truth. That is: accepting people and races for who and what they are, respecting their culture, their languages, and their beliefs; and expect the same. We accept as fact that the human race, its biological and cultural heritage is now under attack by our own morals, our self-righteousness, our desire to control industry; and these things attack the very existence of humanity. We accept as fact that males as well as females are equal in all things and should be dealt with as partners in all matters. We accept as fact that no one race of people is better than the other. In fact, no one wins the race in racism. We accept as fact that communication between different people is the cure to the ignorance that breeds the disease hate. We accept as fact that a good and well-rounded education could prevent most of the ignorance that plagues the world. We accept as fact that All is just that, All. You can't take from All, you can't add to All. We are all within All as one. To the fulfillment of these facts we Nuwaubians pledge our lives, our sacred honour and our spiritual zeal.
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Record Label: Third World Ent.
Type of Label: Indie

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Posted by CASTRO of THIRDWORLD ENT. on Fri, 23 Mar 2007 06:32:00 PST