i am spartacus Myspace Backgrounds
Your results:
You are The Flash
The Flash
Wonder Woman
Green Lantern
Iron Man
Fast, athletic and flirtatious.
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105 unique questions.
About you
Middle name: raymond
School: taylor high
Birthday: december
Astrological sign: sagitarius
Chinese sign: dont know, prob the hamster or somthing
Do you even believe in astrology?: no its stupid
Are your parents still together?: no
Are you the youngest or oldest?: youngest
What size shoe do you wear in guys sizes?: 10
What size ring do you wear?: dont wear rings
Hair color: brown
Eye color: hazel
Height: 5.11
Do you wear colored contacts?: just the regular ones im afraid
What's your favorite sport?: football and tennis
Favorite sports team?: celtic
Do you play any instruments?: guitar
Are you in band?: used to be
Play any sports?: only if drinking is a sport
Favorite actor: jackie chan
Favorite comedian: jack dee
Favorite band: the offspring
Where you born in the city?: no, what city?
Country?: scotland
Suburbs?: eh dont think so
Ever been to Niagra falls?: nope
Ever been to Africa?: nope, scared of big insects
What's your favorite drink?: jack daniels but i mostly drink vodka
Do you like to shop?: not really, unless i have lots of money
Like video games?: yeah why not
Cards?: yeah
Asparagus?: not sure
Seinfeld?: no jerry seinfeld is shit
The OC?: no, im not that gay
Ever been to New York?: nope would like to though
How long have you had AIM for?: what
Xanga?: what what
Do you like broccohli?: nope
Are you a Harry Potter fan?: films are good but never read the books
Lord of the Rings?: yeah they are good but too long
Star Wars?: if u dont u are weird
Do you like Superman or Batman?: batman, superman is crap
Are you a procrastinator?: obviously, im suppose to be doing an essay right now
Do you smoke?: no, i heard its bad for u lol
Drink?: only to stay alive
Do drugs?: nope
Are you a slut?: don think so
Do you think Paris Hilton is?: no i heard shes a virgin
What nationality are you?: scottish
Are you sure?: as far as im aware
Ever see someone die?: nope
Been to a funeral?: too many
Ever been a part of a wedding?: page boy, half a best man and an usher
Been to band camp?: no
Is it anything like they say in American Pie?: if it was im sure i would have went
Do you have a job?: not at the moment
Do you like dairy?: what like milk and shit, yes(not the shit)
Meet?: its not how u spell it but yes lol
Fruit?: yes
Vegetables?: most
Ever been to Sweden?: nope
Do you always wear a watch?: not all the time
What are a few of your pet peeves?: whats a peeve
Favorite flavor of icecream: vanilla
How do you like your coffee?: yeah, not much a tea guy though
Do you get good grades?: every now and then
Do you want to get married?: eventually
Have kids?: eventually
What do you want to be?: rich
What's your favorite color?: red
Ever been in a cult?: i was in cult clothing once
Are you Jewish?: no but my nose might disagree
Do you wear converse?: yes
Shops at AE: not sure what AE is
A & F: same again
Hollister?: and again
Aero?: not bad
How long do you spend putting on make up?: 0 minutes
Ever wanted to be an astronaut?: no i dont like flying and space looks boring
Do you like Bush?: depends who its on haha
Do you like the movie Harold and Kumar go to White Castle?: yes the plots amazing
How about The Village?: yeah it was okay
What's the last movie you saw in theatres?: hitman
What's your favorite genre of movies?: comedy
Do you wear a lot of jewelry?: no
What's your favorite holiday?: liked cyprus and bulgaria
Ever meet a celebrity?: met michelle mcmanus once but i dont think that counts haha
Ever been to a country concert?: no
What about a classical concert?: no
A rock concert?: lots
Do you like to mosh?: no its annoying
Are you in a band?: i think ive already answered this question
Ever seen your favorite musician live?: yeah
Do you drive?: yeah
Do you live in one of those huge neighborhoods with a million plastic house: dont think so
Do you like playing in the snow?: i did when i was wee
The rain?: no why would i want to get wet
Afraid of lightning or thunder?: yeah as it can kill u
Do you have OCD?: a little actually
Do you watch the news?: not really
Are you sad this is over?: nope but i am for doing it
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