I love fishing, working on my car, the Army, and working on my fish tank (I have a salt water tank and those require constant care and supervision). Hanging out with family and friends is also always an important aspect in my life. Mostly, nothing can beat lounging back drinking a nice cold beer and watching the Colts game with a few friends.
Bruce Willis because I feel he's just one of the best actors in the world.President Bush because I would love to meet my "Commander and Chief" as well as "The Leader of the Free World". I just think that would be the coolest thing in ever.Elvis because I feel if it wasn't for him, the music we have today wouldn't exist. In my opinion he laid the stepping stones of controversy and radical expression. Need I say more?
If it has a beat I won't dismiss is immediately, my music collection has everything from Beethoven to the '80s hair bands to classic rock to oldies, to hard rock, to the oldies. I have no rhyme or reason for what I want to listen to on a given day.
Action and war movies keep my interest the best.Forrest Gump is probably one of the greatest accomplishments by Tom Hanks and that movie will never get old. Also, any one of the Die Hard trilogy will always be a great set to watch if your in the mood for violence. As far as timeless classics, I would have to say it's a tie between any of the Back to the Future's or any of the Indiana Jones's.
Angel and That 70's show. They're both just awesome and totally different in genera.South Park, The Family Guy, and the Simpsons are always great for animated shows that contain rude, crude, and socially unacceptable material. Everybody Loves Raymond as well as Seinfeld are both always going to be fun to watch.
Anything by Steven King, other authors have a problem gripping my attention and keeping it there long enough to devote to much time into finishing a book.
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Elvis because he helped pave the way to what we have in the music industry today, and anyone that has ever served in the military because of them, I have the same opportunity to serve and I also have the right to express my opinion openly in this country without fear of penalty.