Electrik Sheep profile picture

Electrik Sheep

About Me

Electrik Sheep is an independent store/gallery in Newcastle Upon Tyne, specialising in Graphics, Fashion, Books, Street-Art, and Vinyl Toys to name a few.........We sell clothing by 2K by Gingham, 10 DEEP, Perks and Mini, Zoltar, Ubiquity, UARM, Prefab, R. Hero, Illustrated People and more......

Exhibitions to date have featured work by Banksy, Jamie Hewlett, Eine, WK Interact, James Cauty with more to come! We also sell artwork and prints by Antony Micallef, Nick Walker, Space Invader, Kelsey Brookes, Insect, Faile, Jamie Reid, Sickboy......

We also have a fine selection of books magazines and DVDs on Graphics, design, street art, fashion, illustration, typography, photography, toys, music subculture.



.. store at Electriksheep.co.uk

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