Greetings ALL...and good health to you! We, The Organic Coffee Bar, have joined the millions on myspace, yaaaaayyyy! It couldn't be helped, really. Most of our customers are young adults and teenagers, surprisingly enough. But anyhoo, we are an eco-friendly, health conscious, positive energy business.
We also do that coffee stuff too... No, but seriously, we do serve a great cup of coffee....or espresso....or tea....or, well you get the point. We are located in New Hope, PA. We have two sites:
Check'em out sometime.
As far as who "We" are. There are three of us:
Myself, Rev. Edward J. Hower. Rev. of what you ask?...The Church of Universal Light. It's a "church" of healers and like-minded individuals. I became ordained there after becoming a Reiki Master. I recently put all that on the back burner to get our shop up and running. I do, however, plan to get back to healing, eventually.
My Wife, Vanessa J. Hower. She is the one who turned us organic before we even set out to do the bar. She is very knowledgeable in herbs, homeopathics, and nutrition. She's my wife and my best friend.
And finally, our friend...well, more like family...John E. Miller. We have been friends for roughly 9 yrs now...damn, has it been that long?...Anyway, he is the chef, the wing chung student, and the artist. He knows how to make a good meal as well as a great Mexican Spiced hot cocoa that folks are just raving about!
We all worked for Mercedes Benz for about 9 yrs. That is where we all met, so it was good for something. We all cashed in our 401ks we are. Never regretting it one bit. Let me be the first or another one to tell you...if you have an aspiration to do something other than to work to it. Don't wait too long, just do it. It will be scary. You will be uncertain. Do it anyway. Don't reach that ripe age of 65+ and retire from your hum-drum job, only to look back at your life and ask yourself, "so, what have I accomplished in my lifetime?" You have one lifetime (all beliefs aside) to do what you like, so do it and don't look back. You may need to have stepping stones along the way just like we did. You just have to pick a point and jump. I know it's hard to leave a high paying job with great benefits. All that nice stuff you can buy: your clothes, your cars, your home, your Xbox360...well you DO need that. LOL! Just remember, you're not taking any of it with you. I know you've heard that before...but take a sec and really think about it...go ahead, I'll wait
Done? Its hard to let go of material things, I know. By all means enjoy them. Just don't get so attached to them that you believe that you can't live without them. Spend as much time with people you love and care about, really. Think about it like this...Let's say you live to be 90 yrs. Let's say you only see your family once a year, for the holidays or any of the usual situations that gather a family together. Say you are 30 now. That means you will see them 60 more times. If you only spend a day each time, well, thats two months of time spent with loved 60yrs.
Well, it might not sink in right now, but one day you'll think back to this and say, "damn, he was right."
Ok, enough! See what happens when ya'll get me started? Blah blah blah, yadda yadda yadda.
Anyway, if you read down to this point, I applaud you. Thanks for listening. And thanks to Myspace for having us.
Be Well, Be Alive
Rev. Edward J Hower