Art, Music, DJing ziga ziga, caffine, writing and drawing on walls, kick'n it in the garage, smoooooke, going to tha Bars, breaking things, hookahs, blowing smokerings, not having to do anything the next day, eskimo pies, 5$ pitchers, two for 30, free things, being productive, running, catching the clock when it says 4:20, roadtrips, hiking, concerts, striaght coffee, kung-fu movies, waking up in the morning and still having weed, beach hops,, Djing a party were i can play what i want to play, sneaking into place, sleeping when i shouldn't be sleeping, drawing during class, BBQ, being drunk in public, energy drinks, cartoons, Robot Rock, philosophizing and alerting the mind. And getting f*cked up!
my grandpa
almost everything from jazz to jungle
Fightclub & Encino Man
[adultswim] & animal planet
Adbusters, Juxtapose, GiantRobot & National Geographic