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false teachers
[11] And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
[24] For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
[1] Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
[21] Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
[22] Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works
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Levels of Understanding,
LEVELS OF UNDERSTANDINGa study by Burnie Schumpert
This information is taken from the website Tree of Life Messianic assembly. Great site to check out.
There is a saying that: “Truth is a bitter tree which yields sweet fruit.†In other words, it is hard to swallow at first, but later on, you are glad that you did.We all come from different backgrounds. Most of us came from a Fundamentalist Christian environment. So we probably have some similarities in our fundamental beliefs. My question to you tonight is---â€Are you ready to go the next level in your spiritual understanding?â€It seems to me that a person’s level of understanding of this issue, to some degree, can be seen as a measurement of one’s spiritual maturity. I have divided the levels of understanding about the authority of the Scriptures into what seem to me to be five different levels. These are not levels which are found in any book, nor do they represent any type of doctrinal divisions ascribed to by this Assembly. They are merely divisions which I made up in order to better explain how we go through stages in our spiritual growth. Let us consider the first level:I. First Level: (Innocent faith)(Mark 10:14-16)As a child, most of us had a very basic understanding of the Bible. We knew that it was a very special book and that it was a message from our Heavenly Father to teach everybody how to be good. I was probably at least 8 or 9 years old before I discovered that everyone in the world didn’t believe in the Bible like my family and I did. It is good for children to be in the first level. Yahshua extolled the virtues of a child-like faith. But, hopefully, we won’t just stay there. Let’s go on to the second level in our understanding of the Scriptures.II. Second Level: (Blind faith) Innocent faith without growth becomes blind faith.(Matt. 15:8-14)Later, I found that there were different translations of the Bible from which to choose and that people sometimes had very strong opinions about which translation that they thought was best. Some of you are old enough to remember that, for many years, there was nothing but the King James Translation used in most circles of Christian faith. When the new translations began to appear, it caused quite a stir. Perhaps you have had the experience in the back of your memory of hearing people discussing their concerns when the Revised Standard Version, the International Version, and the American Standard Version, and the Living Version first came out. You may even recall an experience of attending a church meeting at which the pros and cons of these new translations were being discussed and you may remember how an elderly believer stood up in disgust and declared: “If the King James Bible was good enough for J-sus, it’s good enough for me !†To this bold statement, the rest of the group agreeingly nodded their heads and the discussion was changed to another topic. In the second level a believer recognizes that various translations exist but no connection has been made as to where those translations came from. Most Christians find themselves in this level. The references to J-sus and G-d are used simply because that’s the way that they appear in their popular translations. I actually believe that if the popular translations all used “George†for the name of the Father, and “Fred†for the name of the Son, these people would be praying to George and Fred. No other possibilities can exist because their popular translation is their authority.The concepts that John the Baptist was really Yohanan the Immerser---that Matthew was really Mattithhahu---that Eve was really Hawwah---that Paul was really Rabbi Shaul---that the Old Testament is really the Tanak---that the word, “Torah†has frequently been changed to the word, “Law†--- that the word “grace†has often been mistranslated---that the word “crossâ€, which is “stauros†in Greek, always meant “cross- beamâ€, pole, stake, or walking stick and that it was never translated as the word, “cross†or “crux†until it was first used in the Latin Vulgate centuries later----these concepts, along with many, many more just don’t matter. They are not even considered possible to be true because their personal English translation is the final word in all such matters. Further more, even if they were true, it wouldn’t matter. History, grammatical usages of the original languages, logic, and even the literal translation of the source manuscripts that their favorite popular translation came from are simply out of the question for discussion. Their translation is their authority. Their motto might well be: “Life is simple, life is sweet, with my translation, don’t competeâ€. Don’t bother me with truth, I’m happy where I’m at. (Before any of us quickly jump to make fun of such believers, let us remind ourselves that most of us were at this level ourselves not too long ago.)III.Third Level: (Holy Unrest) The Heavenly Father pushes us toward a faith that grows by creating unrest.(II Tim. 3:5-7)Once a person is firmly entrenched in the second level of biblical understanding, it may seem virtually impossible for anyone to move on to the third level. And I believe that unless the Heavenly Father has to call you out, you will stay in the second level. He has to open your eyes to the inconsistencies and the glitches of fallacy found in the translations and in the traditional Christian worship systems of our day. You become dissatisfied with level 2.And so it was that day by day, as you progressed in your understanding of the Scriptures, you began to notice that there were significant differences between the different popular translations and somehow you figured out that the reason for the differences was that they were all just translations. They were not inspired on the same level as the dynamic inspiration which is found only in the ancient manuscripts in their original Hebrew and Greek languages. Thus, you discovered that the group discussions about, which was the best translation, were nothing but mere speculation and that the only way to find out which translation was the best was to see what the original manuscripts really said in their original Hebrew or Greek languages. In your heart, you knew this was true, but this was not necessarily a pleasant thought ------ learning Hebrew or Greek seemed a rather daunting task to which you did not look forward.In addition to the question of finding out which popular translation was the best, there were also a few minor issues which seemed to keep bothering you in the back of your mind. Such as---1. If the fourth commandment clearly says that we should worship on the Sabbath, and if the real Sabbath of the people of Israel is Saturday (which it is), why do Christians worship on Sunday?2. There is a huge emphasis every year on the celebration of Christmas, Easter, and “All Halo’s Eve†which is called, Halloween. (Some of you may not know that Halloween was actually a Christian celebration started by the Roman Catholic Church during the Middle Ages.) How could these very important Christian celebrations each have so much obvious pagan and secular attachments. Weren’t they supposed to be holy days?3. And why do Christians celebrate Christmas, Easter, and Halloween which are not in Scripture, and yet, they don’t celebrate Passover, First Fruits, Pentecost, the Day of Atonement, Channukah, and other holy days which are mentioned in the Scriptures?Something about all these issues just didn’t fit. And no one that you asked ever seemed to have a convincing answer that really made sense. You always considered yourself to be an honest truth seeker---a person who was willing to face the truth, once it was thoroughly proven. Even though truth is sometimes hard to accept into our lives, something inside of you longed to know the truth about various confusing or bothersome issues of your faith.You looked around a little bit in some commentaries and didn’t find much help. You may have even asked your minister about some of these issues and inquired what popular translation that he thought was the best and why. There was something quite comforting about his voice as he answered your questions. He may have said something like this: “Lots of people have these questionsâ€, speaking in a fatherly tone. “And no, you don’t have to learn to read Hebrew or Greek yourself. That’s what we have commentaries for. Just leave it to the experts. We can learn from the writings of the best scholars and ministers of history who have spent their lives studying the Bible. If they can’t figure it out, you probably won’t be able to either.†He may have even patted you on the shoulder and said: “You know---a little bit of faith goes a long way.â€Does this sound familiar to any of you?You had to admit that you were relieved by what he had said. In fact, he had said everything that you wanted to hear. And he seemed to be the nicest young minister---certainly very sincere. Your church was growing. Your family life was reasonably stable. You were attending church more than ever. You liked the cushions in the pews better in this church than in any other church that you had ever attended. There was one soprano who sang a little out of tune in the choir, but she didn’t regularly attend anyway. You weighed the matter back and forth in your mind. The questions were still there, but ---“Don’t rock the boatâ€, you said to yourself. Surely, the Heavenly Father couldn’t blame you for just following the directions of your minister.After all, these are the translations which are used all over the world by millions of other believers. “They can’t all be wrongâ€, you rationalized to yourself. Still, no matter how you tried to put the questions to rest, a voice inside of you kept saying: “Something isn’t right.†You were in the third level of understanding biblical authority. I call it the level of “Holy Unrestâ€. Some of you here tonight may be in this level. You are still looking for answers as long as the answers don’t “rock the boat†too much.IV. Fourth Level:(Faith that dares to seek truth)(II Thes. 2:9-12)This verse reminds us that there is a point of commitment at which each of us must either “receive the truth in order...to be savedâ€, or we will receive a “working of delusion†which will cause you to actually become to truly believe later what you what you know in your heart now to be falsehood. In other words, if you keep trying, eventually you will succeed in convincing yourself that what you know in your heart is wrong is actually right.This fourth level is one into which the average believer does not enter. It is predicated upon the assumption that you are passionate about knowing the truth of the Scriptures. It requires that you go beyond the casual investigation of the third level to a point where the reality of the real authority of the Scriptures comes crashing in upon you like a tidal wave. Perhaps it will in a personal study time, or maybe in the silent stillness of prayer. It may hit you when you read a book like “Fossilized Customs†by Lew White, or “Come Out of Her My People†by C.J. Koster, or “The Two Babylons†by Alexander Hyslop. Or it may be during a Messianic worship service such as this. For me, it happened when I got hold of my first copy of a Messianic translation of the Bible which we call “The Scripturesâ€. I’ll never forget the first time that I placed my favorite popular translation and my new copy of “The Scriptures†open together side by side on the kitchen table. I began to compare them page by page--- chapter by chapter--- verse by verse. I could hardly believe my eyes. The contrast was startling.The first thing that shook me to the core was how many times the Name of Yahweh was used in the original Hebrew text, but it did not appear a single time in the popular translation that I had used most of my life. I had learned enough about hermeneutics in Seminary to know that many original spellings of the biblical names had been changed from their original form in their original language. I had even been told that the Name, “Yahweh†was the Hebrew name for “G-dâ€, but that it was rarely ever used even by the Jews today. But what they hadn’t told me was that “Yahweh†was the one and only personal Name of our Heavenly Father and that it appeared in the ancient Hebrew manuscripts 6,823 times. This one Name appears by far, more than any other Name in any other original manuscript. The next most commonly used name to be found in the original texts is the title, “Elohimâ€, which means “mighty onesâ€. It is used around 1,100 times. Next, the Name, “Yahoshuaâ€, which is the real Name of our Messiah, is the third most commonly used Name in the Scriptures if you translate correctly.Questions began flooding into my mind---: Why were these three most important Names completely missing from the popular translations? Why didn’t the Commentaries mention anything about this? Could this be just a gigantic accidental mistake by the translators or was this a horrible and intentional misleading of the world’s believers? How could this happen? How could such a huge glitch in our faith have been kept a secret for so many centuries? Obviously, if I could see this, any diligent Hebrew scholar knows about it. Why didn’t they teach me Hebrew in Seminary instead of putting me through 8 semesters of Greek?The more I thought about it, the madder I got. Since they were professons, I jumped at the assumption that my former teachers must surely have known what I had just learned. So, for a few weeks I was angry with my former Seminary and University biblical professors. I considered that they had betrayed my trust. Then these feelings were followed a few weeks later with feelings of anger toward myself. I had been a Southern Baptist minister. I knew many intricate details but here was something huge that had slipped right by me.It became my obsession to learn all that I could about these things and about any other obviously incorrect translations from the original manuscripts. Within a couple of months, I learned that the translators had a term for their blatantly incorrect translations. They called them: “dynamic equivalentsâ€. I quickly realized that I needed my own copy of the original copy of the Hebrew text so I bought a “Biblia Hebraicaâ€, a Hebrew/English Lexicon, a Hebrew/English Dictionary, a book on Hebrew Grammar, a full size Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance, plus Brother David Olson permitted me to copy the first portion of a Hebrew college course that he was taking over the internet. I felt like a loaded shotgun, ready to be aimed at the first “dynamic equivalent†that stuck up it’s head.Finally, I bought an Interlinear Bible in four volumes (which I was disappointed to find did nothing but place the traditional “dynamic equivalent†directly under the word being translated, as if it were the correct translation. Let me pause here to say that this is a perfect example of why it is important to learn Hebrew. If you depend upon the accuracy of the interlinear translation which they claim to be a literal translation, you could easily be misled.) (*See Overhead Examples) I believe that anybody who can read English can learn enough Hebrew to verify these things with your own eyes.When you come into the fourth level of understanding the authority of the Scriptures, it is an emotional experience. You can not deny what you see with your own eyes, and even though it is thrilling to experience the joy of revelation, but there is also the heart break of knowing that you had based a significant portion of your faith upon false teachings. It takes some time to sort all this out and in the process four things will happen:
(1) You will be humbled. You will realize that no matter how sure and sincere you were about your faith before, it is still possible to be wrong on some major issues. Therefore, you are not as likely to boast about how foolish everyone else is who doesn’t agree with you. (2) Second, you will learn to test the things that people tell you rather than just blindly accepting what they say to be true because they are so nice, or they seem to be so sincere, or because what they say is the traditional teaching, or because the preacher is a dynamic preacher who has charisma. I remember when I first came here, so many things were turned upside down that I began to thoroughly check every new belief that I encountered before just accepting anyone’s word on it. It was some time before I would wear a tallit, and it was a number of weeks before I would wear a kippot. Each time I learned something new, I dug into the Scriptures ----This is good. In fact, it is essential in order for you to be sure of your faith. This continual digging into the Scriptures is the reason why I learned more here in the first two years than I did when I attended the biblical studies programs at both Hardin-Simmons and at the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary combined. This is not a beginning level evangelistic outreach ministry. This is a university level teaching “shul†(school). The Messianic Faith is not for the lazy believer who is not willing to study. But it will lead you into a truth, so that you will know that you know what you know.(3) And third, your faith will come to life. It will become an adventure. We read earlier in II Timothy 3:5--- “having a form of reverence but denying it’s powerâ€. Once you know the truth of the real Names of the Heavenly Father and His Son, once you find out that Yahshua and His Disciples were not Christians as the Church tries to teach you, but they were Natzarim (Jewish Rabbis who worshipped in the synagogue, not a "Kirchi", a round worship place for the worship of the female, pagan deity of the seasons called “Circe†(this is where the word Church came from). Yahshua and His Disciples (His â€taught onesâ€) wore tzitzit from the time they were three years old--- they faithfully put on tefilim every day from the age of 12--- their outer garment was a tallit, just as Ruven Preger teaches us each time he comes to make a presentation of his authentic Hebrew garments, they worshipped on Sabbath which is from Friday, sundown to Saturday, sundown every Sabbath without fail---and they would have chosen death rather than to change their Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday. They observed all the required Sabbaths, feast days, and holy days commanded in the Torah and they did it lovingly and with joy. Their greatest delight was the Torah and they lived their lives by faith, not by legalism. The Scriptures say that Yahshua participated in Channukah, the Feast of Dedications, but even if Christmas had existed in His day, I don’t believe that He or His Disciples would have wanted to have anything to do with it. Yahshua loved keeping the festival of “First Fruits†because it was a true picture of His resurrection and the wave offering before the Father, but he would have been revolted with the traditional Church celebration of Easter which resembles in so many ways the pagan worship of the female deity, Ishtar. Yahshua would not use the Gregorian calendar with it’s pagan references, nor would He speak the days of the week, which are all named after a pagan deity because the Scriptures clearly teach not to let the name of a pagan god proceed from your lips--- He is not the Greek “Alpha and the Omegaâ€, but He is the Hebrew “Alef and the Tawâ€, and He was never called J-sus in His lifetime !!!I hope that I don’t offend anyone, but I feel that I must pause here to say: --- if it dosen’t make any difference to you that the Messiah was never called “J-susâ€, and you prefer to continue calling Him J-sus because that’s what you are used to---- something is seriously wrong with your logic or your faith.Through studying the Scirptures with a Hebrew mindset, we can peal back the centuries and layers of lies that we have been fed through the “Roman Universal (Catholic) Church†which was established by gentiles who hated the Jews in the fourth century. This is a process which takes time and dedicationWhen you base your faith on the watered down popular translations which are full of the so called “dynamic equivalents†in order avoid embarrassment to the established “Church†and to assure that the translations fit into the socially accepted popular Christian belief systems, you will not have personal power in your faith. At this point, someone may say: “but what about the dynamic ministries and impressive things that the Church seems to be experiencing in some cases?†My answer is that until you know the Messianic truths, Yahweh will “wink†at your ignorance and bless you anyway. At that point it is not your fault. I think that we can all attest to the fact that were it not for the Father’s patience, and tolarance and forgiveness, we’d all be in trouble. But there is coming a day when He will “wink†no more. That means that if this message is ringing truth in your spirit, when you walk out of here tonight, Yahweh will no longer look at you as innocent and ignorant and unaccountable. You will never again be able to stand in front of Him and say, “I didn’t know.†That may sound harsh, but the good news is that when you know the truth because you have seen it with your own eyes and day by day, when you find another piece of the puzzle, you put it into your life and begin to live it from then on--- and you start using the real Names, and you for the first time begin to worship in the way that He always wanted you to---and you begin to find out what being “set apart†really means---that’s when worship gets exciting!!!!
(4) And fourth---as you sort this new faith in this fourth level of understanding you are going to feel that you are giving up so much of what you have learned to enjoy and to love, You may be reluctant to do that. I remember that I wept when I first thought of giving up the name of J-sus because I loved the sound of it so much. It felt so strange to pray in the Name of Yahshua. At first I was constantly forgetting and it would slip out of my mouth accidentally. But now, the Name Yahoshua, or Yahshua is so much more beautiful to my ear because it has such depth of meaning, and because it is not a fake--- it is the real thing. I have written two full length papers on the meaning of “Yah†and of “Yahshuaâ€, but none of you have ever heart a sermon from a Church pulpit on the meaning of the name J-sus, because it is a name which comes to us from pagan sources of the fourth century.Some of you are still in the midst of sorting out Christmas personally and with your families. Every year, you see signs which say “Put Christ back in Christmas†and “It’s not about a bargain at the mall, it’s about a babe in a manger.†Those who want to make the season something holy are desperately trying their best---but you can’t take something which fundamentally pagan in structure and sanctify it. It is never going to happen. On the other hand---have you ever seen a sign which says: “Put the ‘chanuk’back in Channukahâ€? I know I’m being silly here, but I want to make a point IknowI’mbeingsillyherebutIwanttomakeapoint.
Channukah is based upon that which is holy to begin with. It is, in it’s structural foundation, a righteous remembrance of good which conquers evil. (That is why it is not accepted by the world.) I’m not saying that it’s not possible to be corrupted by secularism. But I am saying that it much easier to keep it holy because it is something holy to begin with. Remember this and learn it well--- every time Yahweh asks you to give something up, He will always give you back something better in it’s place.If you are just entering into this fourth level right now, I encourage you to not give up. Though the tree of truth may seem to be bitter at first, it will in time yield sweet fruit. You’ll never regret doing that which you know is right. Don’t forget---Our authority is in the original manuscripts in their original languages. THE POPULAR TRANSLATIONS HAVE AUTHORITY ONLY TO THE EXTENT THAT THEY CORRECTLY EXPRESS THE TRUE MEANINGS WHICH ARE FOUND IN THE ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPTS, AND IN THE ORIGINAL LANGUAGES. This means that even the best English translation (even the translation which we use called, “The Scripturesâ€) will be woefully lacking to fully express many important passages. We have to learn to get back to the original texts. Will it be hard---certainly. Will it be worth it? Well, let me ask that question in another way---Is your eternal destination of any concern to you? For your sake and for the sake of all those who look to you for their instruction and their example, let’s get it right this time. Let’s recognize our biblical authority and then let’s build our faith on it !!!Get Scrollbox @ MyspaceMaster.NET
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Yahweh Yashua
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Yahweh is an English reading of ???? (the Tetragrammaton), the name of the God of the Jews or the people of Israel, as preserved in the original consonantal Hebrew Bible text. The four Hebrew consonants read JHWH (in German transcription) or YHVH (in English transcription). It is also common to use YHWH.PLEASE REFER TO MY BLOGS SACRED NAMES
Yahushua is the true name of the MessiahNote that Joshua = Yoshua or Yahushua because there is no "J" sound in Hebrew. The letter "J" is only about 500 years old and isn't even found in the original 1611 King James version. (proof check out my blogs).
The Messiah's name never was "Jesus" and that the name "Jesus" is actually an invention of man.
Over the last 2000 years, mainstream Christianity has picked up a number of traditions which are unscriptural. One of them is the practice of changing or replacing the name of the Heavenly Father and His Messiah.
Therefore, it is important to know that:When speaking in reference to the Heavenly Father, I do not use "The Lord". This is a title that was substituted for His true name, Yahweh. A close examination of the third commandment will reveal that this tradition is wrong.When speaking in reference to the Messiah, I do not use the name "Jesus". I restore this to His true name Yahushua because Jesus was never His real name.The title "God" I restore to "Elohim" because the word God is a mistranslation of the Hebrew word Elohim. Elohim means "Mighty One(s)". God also happens to be the name of an idol mentioned in scripture.For more information on this check out my blogs or do a study yourself on the net. Type in true names af God and Jesus.______________________________________________________
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I am very happily married with a wonderful husband and children. I have been a Christian for 17 yrs now coming from a background of drugs, a messed up head over many things in my life and thinking I was never worthy.I am a messianic believer( Messianite the true name given to christians before Romans changed it) but I do not follow main stream christianity or any form of religion. Which means I do not belong to any church system or their teachings.
"Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues".Rev.18:4I enjoy studying and finding out the truth about life and the word of Yahweh. To help others understand the truth of the deception of this world we live in.
I am a friendly compassionate person who loves the truth, my husband, my children my mum and dad, my life, my family my friends and people.
I came to know my heavenly Father through the death of my brothers son he was 5 yrs old. I blamed Yahweh(God) because I could not understand and it took me through many years of running as HE put his hand out to help me I turned my back in anger and hurt. I became very involved in mainstream churches for many years and studied for a diploma in Christian Ministry. At the end of my diploma year I was taken out of the church system because my eyes were open to the truth it is funny their teaching never sat right with me on certain issues. A lot of times I would pray and seek Yahweh and ask Him to give me His Truth not the world.
He did just that at first it was all so different I seemed on my own but I sort after Him in study, prayer and faith.
"Not everyone who says to me 'Yahweh, Yahweh,' will enter the kingdom of heaven. but only he who does the will of my father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day,'Yahweh, Yahweh, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles? Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers! Matt.7:21-23.He has bought others across my path with the same mind. I am now so full of peace I have never been so happy I know who i am in my heavenly Father He directs my steps everyday. I never stop learning and discovering.
"For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow is the road that leads to life, and only a few find it". Matt.7:13-14
Do you know we have been handed down lies by our forefathers, do yourself a justice and seek the truth yourself, what are these pagan holidays and worldly ways we have adopted. Is this truth??? Ask yourself, ask Yahweh, what road are you on the broad one or the narrow one can you take that chance do you want to!
Read the scriptures the history of others is recorded as a warning for us.Test all you are taught dont just believe what you are told even by me or my site, find the truth out for yourself remember we are accountable for our own salvation can you take a chance on that, are you walking in the truth.So to all who read this you are special and you are loved, you are never alone no matter what you have done or what you are going through.
I have a heart to see the lost be found and the hurting healed. I love people and am never one to judge for I know where I have been and what I have gone through. There is only one judge and I am here now because someone cared enough to love me, to pray for me so that I can be set free and discover that peace that surpasses all understanding through HIM to worship HIM in spirit and in Truth. What will you do?
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Be Like The Bereans
Seek for Truth and knowledge Dont always believe what you are told look it up.The Bereans were eager to find out for themselves if what they were told was true. Do you know where they looked? They looked in the Old Testament Scriptures that told of the coming of (Yahushua) Jesus.Here's what the Bible says about the Bereans:"As soon as it was night, the brothers sent Paul and Silas away to Berea. On arriving there, they went to the Jewish synagogue. Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true. Many of the Jews believed, as did also a number of prominent Greek women and many Greek men." (Acts 17:10-12)So if you're eager to look through the Bible to find out if what I'm saying is true, then you're like the Bereans!Thankfully you don't have to take my word for it. You can take Yahweh's Word for it.Be a good Berean about the things I tell you or the things other people tell you. Check it all out in the Bible to see if what you are told is true.We should be running to hear the word taught; not preached but taught. Unbelievers need preaching, believers need teaching! . The book of Timothy says to, “study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truthâ€. You see even God says that we will be ashamed if we don't study. Without study of the Scriptures we are unable to rightly divide between truth and error. Without an understanding of God's Word, there is a guarantee that at some point you will get into error. Don't even trust your pastor to give you
100% truth all the time. Even pastors make mistakes. You are to study. The Holy Spirit was given to you to be your teacher, your counselor etc.
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