Nothing much to tell so far. Still (!) pupil, but off with that next summer.
Then doing a "free ecological year" to get around of the one-year military service and then study or just go away to like Chiapas/Mexico to hook up with the EZLN.
(and no, in the end i won't do that *sigh*)
Whoever recognises them gets a rubberpoint from me.
(or an equivalent you can choose)
77'er Punkrock ( The Shocks ; Crispy Nuts ; The Venusshells ),
Punk ( Oi Polloi ; PVC ; G.B.H. ; The Adicts ; Crass ),
D-Punk ( Toxoplasma ; Dritte Wahl ; Rasta Knast ),
Ska ( Skalariak ; Babylon Circus ; Mark Foggo's Skasters )
and most important:
(is now - most of the time - with "Revolte Springen")
Stanley Kubrick is all i got to say. Especially Clockwork Orange (of course).
The Monty Python crew also did great stuff... He's a lumberjack...
and of course the most famous Spam sketch.
Again Monty Python i suppose. ;o)
One more skit... *hrhr*:
Nobody expects...! ;o)
Sometimes some Simpsons and CSI, but thats it.
Every book written by Dürrenmatt, a real genius.
Also some few fantasy books like Lord of the Rings (Yes! I read it even before the film was announced!).
An on the other hand political/philosophical books. Mostly anarchist stuff, like Bakunin and such.
Like one of my most liked musicians once sung?:
"Die Moral von der Geschicht': No more heroes anymore.
Heldentum das lohnt sich nicht, das kommt doch nur in schlechten Märchen vor."
Or in english:
"The moral of the story: No more heroes anymore.
Heroism doesn't pay,
it only occures in bad fairytales."
Well... I got to rework this translation.