My favorite quote is from my grandpa, "It's a good life, as long as you don't weaken".I live with a dog, who is my best friend, my constant companion, my alter ego. He's a killer of rabbits, birds, rats, anything he can get his jaws on, and he never ever lies.My job rocks, I work in an office, and I love it, my bosses are the best. They pay me well....and take me on trips, and feed me, and give me beer after a long, not so hard day at work. What more could a girl ask for? Trees, maybe....I could really use some trees.....I have been in Casper a year and I still don't know too many people besdies my family. I'm telling you, I love my family and all, but this has really got to change.I want to make Casper a great place for me to live with family, friends and work being my priorities.
Background Artist:
Marah Johnson This layout was handmade with love by the folks at My space or yours? Go get one!