>Im a warrior of the soul.
I love what is deep and real and autentic. If we meet with open hearts I will love that meeting no matter what it brings. I love expression, dance and yoga. I love music, nature and silence. I love art, singing and people.
Im searching a way of living that is all from the heart, from the conection with my deepest longing of happiness of all sentient beings as well as our beautiful planet.
I dont sucseed all the time in my tries of living what is true and autentic. Sometimes I get afraid and sometimes Im not consious. But again and again Im trying to come back home to my center and open my heart.
I..d rather scream out of pain and let my heart fall into thousands of pieces, than holding on to my fear and live my life out of surface and peoples expectations of me.I want to dance and love and live my life in the most consious and open way that I can. I want to grow in the meeting with other people.
I want to live all that this moment gives and I want to transform all pain and hate into love and compassion for every being on this planet.I am.."Yo Soy la Diosa
Creadora de VidaYo Soy Mujer
Sagrada y DivinaYo Soy Yo Soy
La Diosa Yo Soy...""Life isnt a problem to be solved, its a mystery to be lived"http://s134.photobucket.com/albums/q95/lisarubita/?act
ion=view¤t=1178649287.pbw MySpace Layouts
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