My name is Gordon Levitch. I'll probably get in trouble for posting this all online, but who reads these things anyway. Last year, I was really sick. I had cancer and the doctors thought I wasn't going to make it. But, some creepy government scientist showed up and gave me an experimental drug. All of a sudden I was feeling better. Not only was I healthy again, now I was stronger, faster, and tougher than I'd ever been. More than my dad. More than those guys on the Olympics. It was awesome. But, then this jerk from the government said that I had to start working for them. And he said that if I didn't help them on a bunch of stupid missions, they'd deport my parents and sister back to Russia. So, I have to do all this secret stuff and I can't tell anyone in my family about it. I don't know if they will ever let me go.
www.afterschoolagent.comYou can buy my comic at
CLICK HERE TO BUY"After School Agent" is created by
Scott Weinstein and Chris Zaccone GORDON'S JUST A COMIC BOOK CHARACTER