My nAme is ArLeN, bUt MoStLy EvEryOne cALLs me o0oArNiEo0o. I aM 100% NiCa, buT I'Ve liVed in Da MIA bAsIcALLy mY wHoLe LiFe. I LikE to SpeNd A loT oF tiMe w/ mY fRieNdS, aNd mY CrAzY aSS fAMiLY. I aM DefInIteLY a ::PaRtY aNiMaL::...LoVe to DRINK, and DANCE my ASS OFF!! I Try to Be an OPtImIst, but TeNd to FaLL RiGHt InTO my PESSIMISM. I'M a VeRy OuTgOiNg PeRson, aND I TeNd to HiT iT OFF wIth pEOpLe frOm DaY OnE. I aM VERY BLUNT, anD I'LL BE totALLy HoNeSt wiTh yOu No MATtEr ThE sItUaTioN..ThOuGh mY BlUnTnEsS hAs gOtTeN mE iNto TroUbLe in ThE PaSt!! I cAn bE a ::SuPeR BiTcH:: iF yOu Rub Me tHe wRoNg waY, buT I am GeNeraLLy a Very NiCe PeRsOn....*BeSoS*