This My Space Account was created in June 2004, 2 months before her tragic death. The only thing that was filled out was the Detail's box. Kathryn Ashton was really big about motorcycles, web forums, and had many friends around the globe. I happen to discover that she had a empty My Space account. I thought about deleting it as I do other online accounts that I find of hers but decided to finish what she started and link it back to her memorial website: www.kathrynashton.com. Kathryn Price Ashton was a very caring young women that won the hearts of all the people that she encountered. Hopefully, with the help of this website she will never be forgotten. I hope you enjoy the site.
Feel free to send pictures and letters for the website or to the Ashton Family. Anything you can add to the site is deeply appreciated. You can e-mail that to:
[email protected]