Rum an ships
AAAaaahhh, crew fit far sea an not a landlubber a'tween em', no scurry dogs ar lally gags, wait, wait, wait, RUM LOVERS ONLY AAARRRGGGGGGGGG !!!!!!Sawney Bean And His Family - just kidding
AAhhhh thee al' fiddle makk's a mahn's haart weep, THA SOUND OOH'A'SEAA, tha crack'oa' cannon, tha splitin' oa'timbers, tha sound of Rum,talkin' in mah haaed
AARRRR, no timme far that on a pilage
AARRGG - treasure maps an ole' tales ohh' a sea
Capn' Morgan, rum swwillin king o' Jamaca !!!!!!!!!!!!