Ye Ol' Capn profile picture

Ye Ol' Capn

Waitin for ah mutiny so i can gett me own shippe

About Me

Mutineerin', stealin a shippe an headin far warmher seas, whar tha Rums strong and sweet and the lasses aren't cold as stone.....

My Interests

Rum an ships

I'd like to meet:

AAAaaahhh, crew fit far sea an not a landlubber a'tween em', no scurry dogs ar lally gags, wait, wait, wait, RUM LOVERS ONLY AAARRRGGGGGGGGG !!!!!!Sawney Bean And His Family - just kidding


AAhhhh thee al' fiddle makk's a mahn's haart weep, THA SOUND OOH'A'SEAA, tha crack'oa' cannon, tha splitin' oa'timbers, tha sound of Rum,talkin' in mah haaed


AARRRR, no timme far that on a pilage




AARRGG - treasure maps an ole' tales ohh' a sea


Capn' Morgan, rum swwillin king o' Jamaca !!!!!!!!!!!!

My Blog


No idea why i'm even writting this shit, probably due to skiving and being bored, however i did manage to break my fucking little toe on a door frame this morning what a fucking pisser. If i'd done it...
Posted by Ye Ol' Capn on Thu, 06 Apr 2006 09:40:00 PST


Tis a MAsh appon a high sea - Stand an' Deliver taa tha land lubbers, aarrrggg, tah pirates treasure an mar RUM far a crew ohha dogs !!!!!!!
Posted by Ye Ol' Capn on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

What the f*ck ???

What's this thing, a crazy journal, i can see some drunk action going down here, i should say sorry now, not that anyone's going to read the complete piss that'll end up being rambled here.....
Posted by Ye Ol' Capn on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST