psychoses profile picture


Are you dead yet?

About Me


I am half-swedish, so I usually spend the summer in Stockholm at my fathers place! I would like to get to know individual and nice people from there but also from everywhere. :)
I love D'espairs Ray, and a lot of different kinds of bands (mainly VK, J-Rock, Metal, Industrial, Electrogoth) and I love spending time with my friends and taking pictures!
I dont expect Band requests anymore, because I only add bands that really mean something to me.

My Interests

Visual Kei, Gothic, J-Rock, Fotografieren,

I'd like to meet:



D'espairsRay!!, Moi dix Mois, Malice Mizer, 12012, Deathgaze, Schwarz Stein, Kaya, Euthanasie, The Candy Spooky Theater, Dir en Grey, An Cafe, hurts, Rentrer en soi, Sadie
Piscide, Psyclon Nine, L'Ame Immortelle, Blutengel, Agonoize, Sisters of Mercy, Depeche Mode, ASP, Soko Friedhof, Suicide Commando, Das Ich, Children of Bodom, Marduk, Rammstein, Deathstars, The 69 eyes, Die Hinichen,


The Saw I, II & III, Matrix,


Death Note, Nana


"real books:" Dean Koontz, Mo Hayder, Sujata Massey, Dave Pelzer, Stephen King

Manga: Loveless, Love Mode, Confidential Confessions, Manga Love Story,

