Flying, drinking, eating, sleeping, women, sports, music Sea Harrier
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Paul Bonhomme (Red Bull Air Race competitor.. he's just a little bit good!!)
Anything that I decide I like Airplane landing, close call
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Too many to list Sea Harrier Launch
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Classic u.k comedy: only fools, bottom, young one's, black adder, green wing, office etc
I do watch Eastenders I must confess.. but only cos they mention local places!!
Getting into Most Haunted Sea Harrier Buzzes Soldier at 20 feet
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Hmm.. only one's I have 2 i.e: flying non-fiction, manuals etc. I just can't b bothered to read
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World War I and II fighter aces (Bishop, Bader etc).. they were dudes.. also any1 who fights for our gr8 land gets my respect.