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About Popmong

In the year of our lord 2007 events were set in motion. Horrible, painful events of which no good could possibly come. Foremost amongst these was the coming together of a ragtag collection of drunks, drugs addicts and vagabonds, loosely connected by their affiliation with one terminally bored web designer, calling himself Megafist, and their collective tenuous grip on reality.

This seemingly innocuous meeting of "minds" would result in the creation of an electronic tome so completely irrelevant in nature it could almost have been called Zen, were it not for a complete lack of any wisdom whatsoever and not a single orange robe. Libelous slander, watchdog baiting obscenity and a small unexplained monkey ran unchecked through the bowels of the internet. This portent of doom became known as the lowest point in recorded human history, those responsible were cast out of the human race and civilized people everywhere would cower at the mention of the name Popmong.

Popmong Writers

The Rev. Leonard
Miles Mayhem
Yates Almighty
D. Thomas
Woollen Goods
Detective Hindsight

MySpace Jazz

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  • The Vordermans
  • The Kiss Off
  • The Minions
  • The Corinthians
  • To The Bones