Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e, D20 Modern, Call of Cthulhu, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, various other games. I am definately a sci-fi/fantasy fan. I like going to game conventions, but usually the only one I make it to is Technicon in Blacksburg.
I'd like to meet other role-playing gamers in the Roanoke area. I just moved here and am looking for a group to join or start up. Drop me an email here.
I like stuff that was called alternative when I was a teenager. I like old U2, The Police, Pink Floyd, Men at Work, INXS ... the good stuff.I also love folk and Celtic music, in particular The Battlefield Band.
Horror (scary, but not gory, that is), fantasy, and sci fi ... are you sensing a pattern to my interests here?
Very little interests me on television. I am not a fan of reality shows with their faux drama and hot young people eating maggots or whatever. No thanks. I usually just watch the occasional science/nature/medical documentary on TLC, TDC, or the History channel (which I often call the Hitlery Channel because of all its WW2 stuff ... ). I also like my Comedy Central and Cartoon Network.