Member Since: 27/04/2005
Band Members: Teenwolf
Influences: DePeChE MoDe, ArAb StRaP, Badly Drawn Boy, EllioTT SmitH, Jeff Buckley, LigHtNiN HopKiNs, XL JuNkiEs, SaCREd LiEs, M83, OlD HooVerPhoNic, ThE BlAcK KeYs, MoRpHinE, RuN DmC, KrS 1, ErViN nYiReGyHazI, DanIel JOhnSton The PixieS, ThE KiLLerS, FaBri FiBra, HeLio SeQuEnCe, KilL SwitCh EnGagE, SUPErDrag, tHe CinemAtics, ArChiVe, FroU FroU, TeGaN & SarAh, MIA, TelePOPmUsiK, Julie DelPy, InterPol, tHe EdiTorS, PavEmEnT, ModesT MousE, PinBacK, UNkLE, PortisHeaD, ToKyO PoLiCe Club, RaDiO HeAd, BloC ParTy, SeX PistOls, ApheX TwIn, Massive Attack, (JACK DANIELS), GOodiE MoB, FugaZi, 6gig, ThE MisfitS, The CuLt, NeW OrDeR, NeW YoUnG PoNy ClUb, MaUrO PiCottO, ThE RamOneS, (HATEGANA), The LIbErTiNeS, JohNNy CASH, ThE PoLiCe, SpOOn, DredGe, MoRRisSEy, Dj ShAdoW, White StRipEs, Iggy PoP, tHe DoVeS, DnTeL, The SHInS, GranDMasteR FLaSh aNd thE FuRioUs 5, GhEttO MafiA, (SOL), MoBiLe, BlaCk MoTorCycLe ClUb, IlYa, PuLp, RoYKsoPP, GoD LiveS UnDeR WATER, PaUl VaN DyKe, (GUINNESS), MuDDy WatERs, (OLD) Wu-TaNg cLAn, ChEmiCaL BrOthErS, BJoRK, Mars VOlta, At THE Drive IN, (TIMISOREANA), StIeBer TWiNS, Mc SOLaR, CurSiVe,Old NirVaNa, Lou BArLoW, oLd Notorious BIG and music from all over the world . Basically, There are just too many to name. I'm giving you only a small percentage that are in my top 50.
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