Just about anything. Nice quite time in the country every now and then is good. A long drive somewhere...Dude! You're 100% from Massachusetts!
Dude! Me and Sully and Fitzie and Sean are gonna hit Landsdowne tonight after the game, hang out at the Beerworks. I'll pick you up at the Coop at 6.
How Massachusetts are you?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz
What American accent do you have? Your Result: The Inland North You may think you speak "Standard English straight out of the dictionary" but when you step away from the Great Lakes you get asked annoying questions like "Are you from Wisconsin?" or "Are you from Chicago?" Chances are you call carbonated drinks "pop."
I would love to meet up with some old high school pals. It's been so long!
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I'm pretty open to just about anything. I guess you can say preference would be the 80's but there is no limitation.
Whatever i can get my hands on... ohh i don't have hands.. hehe
same as movies
think we can do up a book club? hmm now that is an idea! To Kill a Mocking Bird was one of my favorites. The Da Vinci Code was good too. So was Angels and Demons. I guess you can say I'm not much of a reader, or find time to read.
My teachers were my most inspirational Mentors.