Just When |
Just when u thought you had it right and going the way it should&Then its like a curve ball has been thrown at you and u cant figure out how to handle it&Its as if the world has stopped spinning and... Posted by on Sat, 06 Dec 2008 22:29:00 GMT |
She keeps me.... |
There is a time in life that seems the whole world is crashing down on you&And no matter how hard you try it seems as if you wont make it another day&Suicide is more then an option that... Posted by on Mon, 24 Nov 2008 23:16:00 GMT |
Loves Joy |
When I look into your eyes I see only the beauty given by are father in heaven. Your touch that of silk. The feelings I get when u touch me leave chills up and down my spine. Your scent as sweet as th... Posted by on Fri, 21 Nov 2008 23:46:00 GMT |
The Struggle |
It's a struggle to find that good one&..The one that has your back not for what you have but for who u are&So I have found that one love that makes my day complete to know she is in my life&I had to... Posted by on Wed, 19 Nov 2008 23:50:00 GMT |
The Slap |
Its been a slap in the face to lose what was so good&..why is the pain so strong like that of the deepest cut&.The one that u cant stop the bleeding&..u try everything and nothing seems to ease the pa... Posted by on Fri, 14 Nov 2008 00:53:00 GMT |
Life |
Life is like swimming in the ocean its seems like no matter how much u paddle it seems that u are getting no where&..Or like that knot in your shoe u try so hard to get out but just cant seem to get i... Posted by on Thu, 13 Nov 2008 00:08:00 GMT |
Mistakes |
Mistakes can take away things that are what u could say great&..Many times we make mistakes that seem to be of innocence and they will come back to bit u in the behind&..I have made that mistake of be... Posted by on Wed, 12 Nov 2008 22:38:00 GMT |
Remember |
Remember when u were a child and u got that long awaited gift&..And the feeling it gave you like u finally got that what mattered gift&..Well that is how love can feel&..When you have gone through the... Posted by on Fri, 07 Nov 2008 21:51:00 GMT |
Why has it come to this&..U fuss and fight like we in the trenches&..But u cant handle a man like this u are not ready&..U don't want the honesty the truth the real heart felt news&..So why is it u h... Posted by on Sat, 01 Nov 2008 21:59:00 GMT |
Conqueror of love |
Conqueror of Love
Why is it that LOVE is like that two sided coin the one it seems like you can never win with &..Due to not knowing that you are playing with something so deceiving&..Its like hav... Posted by on Fri, 31 Oct 2008 23:43:00 GMT |